[Abstract]:Thin film materials are two-dimensional scale materials with specific properties and applications. The related thin film technology is an effective method to fabricate new functional materials. In recent years, graphene-based composite film and zinc oxide (ZnO)-based composite film have shown excellent performance in the fields of electrode materials, solar cells, electronic devices, energy storage devices, sensors and catalysts, etc. It has a very broad application prospect. In this paper, graphene, graphene-TiO2 multilayer composite films and ZnO/Cu/ZnO sandwich films were prepared by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition and physical vapor deposition (magnetron sputtering). Raman (Raman) spectra, X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscope (XRD), transmission electron microscope (TEM), atomic force microscope (AFM) (AFM), optical fiber spectrometer and four probes were used to characterize the microstructure of the thin films. The surface morphology and photoelectric properties were tested and analyzed. The main contents are as follows: (1) using Cu foil as catalyst substrate, the conditions of preparing graphene films by PECVD were explored, and high-quality monolayer graphene was successfully obtained under 800oC. The effects of growth temperature, flow rate of methane (CH4) and hydrogen (H _ 2) on the quality and layer number of graphene were studied. It was found that with the decrease of growth temperature, the defects and layers of graphene gradually increased and the conductivity decreased rapidly, and the low CH4 flow rate (1sccm) was beneficial to the formation of high quality graphene, and the increase of CH4 flow rate resulted in the increase of graphene defects. A small amount of H _ 2 or excess H _ 2 will lead to a lot of defects in the growth of graphene. In this experiment, the mass of graphene is the best when the flow rate of H _ 2 is 10sccm. (2) High quality graphene films were prepared by PECVD, and TiO2 was deposited on graphene by magnetron sputtering. Graphene-TiO2 multilayer films were prepared by magnetron sputtering. By comparing the Raman spectra of graphene before and after TiO2 deposition, the charge transfer between graphene and TiO2 was studied. The effect of graphene introduction on the morphology of TiO2 was studied by AFM. It was found that the specific surface area of TiO2 grown on graphene increased obviously. The photocatalytic performance of graphene-TiO2 composite film was studied by photocatalytic degradation of methyl orange. It was found that the effect of graphene film on the degradation of methyl orange by TiO2 was significantly improved. On the one hand, graphene can effectively inhibit the recombination of photogenerated carriers in TiO2 as an electron receiving material, on the other hand, the TiO2 grown on graphene has a larger specific surface area, which provides more reaction points for photocatalytic degradation reaction. The catalytic process has been accelerated. (3) ZnO/Cu/ZnO sandwich films were prepared by magnetron sputtering at room temperature. Firstly, the transmission curve of ZnO/Cu/ZnO multilayer film is simulated by MATLAB program to optimize the structure of the film system in theory so as to guide the experiment. The thickness of ZnO layer, the thickness of Cu layer and the O2/Ar flow ratio of ZnO were changed in the experiment, and their effects on the structure and photoelectric properties of multilayer films were studied. The experimental results show that the block resistance and visible light transmittance of the film increase with the increase of the thickness of the ZnO layer. When the thickness of ZnO is in the range of 40-70nm, the multilayer film exhibits better transmittance, and the transmittance curve is flat in the whole visible light region. Before the Cu layer is continuous, the block resistance decreases with the increase of the thickness of Cu layer, but the transmittance of ultraviolet and visible light decreases gradually. When the flow ratio of O2 / Ar is 1: 4, the block resistance of multilayer film is the highest. After that, as the O2/Ar flow ratio continues to increase, the block resistance gradually decreases, which may be caused by the interface effect.
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