[Abstract]:Ground collapse is a kind of geological disaster. Karst collapse is the main ground collapse in southwest China. This paper introduces the definition and main genetic mechanism of karst collapse. It is clear that the main reason of collapse is that karst fissures provide a spatial basis for the formation of soil caves in the Quaternary overburden, and the exploration of emptying areas of soil caves is one of the most direct means to study collapse. Based on the geological survey, hydrodynamic conditions and geophysical characteristics of the working area, this paper makes use of two comprehensive geophysical methods of geological radar and multi-channel transient Rayleigh wave exploration to study the location of the fracture zone and the erosive zone of the cavity and karst fissures. Type and size are studied and applied. The main geological parameters affecting the geological radar exploration are conductivity, dielectric constant and magnetic conductivity, and the main geological parameters affecting surface wave exploration are the velocity of the transverse wave of the geological body. This paper attempts to explore road surface collapse from two aspects: geological electromagnetic property and elastic wave property. Firstly, based on the basic principles and technical aspects of the two geophysical exploration methods, the feasibility analysis and research are carried out in combination with a large number of documents. On this basis, according to the geological and geophysical characteristics of the working area, the working devices of the two geophysical prospecting methods in the exploration area are defined. Equipment parameters, observation systems, etc. Then the two-dimensional forward modeling of radar imaging with finite difference software is carried out. Through the comparison between the simulation results and the actual exploration data, the abnormal size and position are located more efficiently and rapidly. The accuracy of final data interpretation is improved. In the data processing stage, the difference between the processing of the surface wave and the previous engineering exploration is that the sensitivity of the higher-order surface wave to the thickness of the deeper strata is better than that of the basic-order surface wave. The phase velocity curve extracted after Fourier transform is the result of the co-action of multi-order surface wave. Then the joint inversion anomaly of multi-modal surface wave is analyzed by genetic algorithm, which reduces the multi-solution of inversion and improves the precision of inversion. Combined with the above research, the multi-channel transient Rayleigh wave exploration of ballastless track is carried out in this paper, and the comprehensive exploration of Rayleigh wave and ground penetrating radar for fill cutting and fill embankment is carried out. Through the analysis of the final geological cross-section map and drilling data, it can be seen that the application of Rayleigh wave method is only good for the exploration of bedrock karst fracture zone, but the synthesis of GPR and Rayleigh wave method is not only for bedrock karst, but also for bedrock karst. It also has a good effect on the exploration of soil holes in Quaternary overburden. In this way, the exploration of soil cave and karst cavity can more accurately evaluate the collapse risk of karst area, which has made an effective contribution to ensure the construction of the project and the safety of people's property.
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