[Abstract]:In view of the problem that landslide in mountainous area seriously threatens the safety of people's life and property, taking Shennongjia Forest region of Hubei Province as the study area, with the support of Geographic Information system (GIS), the evaluation of landslide vulnerability is carried out. First of all, seven influencing factors, namely, strata age, distance from fault, elevation, slope direction, distance from water system, distance from highway and land use, are selected as risk evaluation factors of landslide in this area. Secondly, with 117 historical slippery points as sample data, the weights of different factors are determined objectively by using evidence method. Then, based on the raster data model of GIS, the influence factors of landslide are superimposed in space, and the vulnerability index layer of landslide is obtained. On this basis, Shennongjia forest area is divided into five vulnerable areas, which are extremely high, medium, low and extremely low. Finally, the historical landslide data are used to verify the zoning results. The results show that the zoning of landslide vulnerability in the study area is in good agreement with the actual situation, which indicates that the application of geographic information system (GIS) and evidence weight method in the evaluation of regional landslide disaster vulnerability is more effective.
【作者单位】: 武汉大学土木建筑工程学院;
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