[Abstract]:Design plays a more and more important role in modern life. The number of professionals majoring in design and the opening of design major in colleges and universities have sprung up like bamboo shoots after a spring rain in China. Chinese design is becoming more and more important in the world, and we are on a path from energy-intensive to knowledge-intensive. When the design industry begins to become mature and stable at a certain stage, the problems that designers and design themselves should pay attention to increase. Design resources are one of the important links. While the world is facing many problems of population growth, environmental pollution and ecological destruction, China and some other countries are also facing the impact of strong culture on traditional culture. The dilemma of material and intangible cultural heritage being destroyed or even disappeared. From the traditional point of view, there seems to be no obvious correlation between the above two points, but when we carefully define, classify and examine the concept of "design resources", we will find the common characteristics of these problems. And the opposition and unity of the attributes of natural resources and social resources. In this paper, we hope to use the classification and analysis method of traditional resource theory to classify the design resources completely and carefully, so as not to omit any kind of resources. On the basis of the classification of these resources, the category and characteristics of design resources are investigated. At the same time, from the point of view of design and generation mode, design resources can be studied by other two classification methods. Several main classification methods make resources show their characteristics and operation methods from different aspects. Design resources not only have a running mode, but also have different characteristics and operation modes when the same type of resources are combined, or different types of resources are integrated together. The systematic analysis of the background and interaction of these resources and the internal and external material exchange, energy exchange and information exchange of the system will provide us with a clear way to understand the design resources. The bucket resource model inspired by the classical theory of management can explain the emergence, function, change and final influence of various resources on design behavior. Tree, bubble design resource system model is more conducive to grasp the context of resources, and the quality of resources, to help designers understand the nature of resources, as well as the current state. The fundamental purpose of the research on design resources is to make designers form a complete and scientific view of design resources. Reasonable allocation and utilization of natural resources, social resources are part of the designer's responsibility. Resources in the hands of designers can become a powerful helper to promote the progress of human civilization, or may become the culprit of ecological, natural, cultural, scientific and technological achievements. It all depends on the designer's use of resources and ideas, as well as the impact of their ideas on people. Design is constantly developing, the final direction of the promotion of design to human civilization, it is worthy of designers to continue to explore.
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