- Abstract4-7
- Chapter 1 Introducing Acoustic Levitation7-24
- 1.1 The source of topic7
- 1.2 Acoustic Levitation Characterization7-10
- 1.3 Research background and significance10-23
- 1.4 Research topic23-24
- CHAPTER 2 Theoretical Background24-37
- 2.1 The acoustic wave equation of the ideal medium24-29
- 2.1.1 The motion equation24-26
- 2.1.2 continuity equation26-27
- 2.1.3 Equation of state27-28
- 2.1.4 One dimensional wave equation28-29
- 2.2 Acoustic parameter description of standing wave acoustic field based on waveequation29-33
- 2.2.1 Acoustic pressure and particle velocity distribution in ultrasonic standing wave29-30
- 2.2.2 Acoustic standing wave field time average potential and acoustic levitation forcedescription30-33
- 2.3 Analysis of suspended solids theoretical stable suspension position33-36
- 2.4 Summary of the section36-37
- CHAPTER 3 Simulation of the Resonant37-50
- 3.1 Simulation procedure37
- 3.2 Simulation Results37-39
- 3.3 Distance Pressure Potential relationship39-42
- 3.4 Pressure drop points (PDPs) explanation42-49
- 3.5 Summary of the chapter49-50
- CHAPTER 4 - Calculation of the parameters of the equivalent model50-57
- 4.1 Establishment of the sound field equivalent model50-51
- 4.2 Calculations51-53
- 4.3 Matlab Figures53-56
- 4.4 Summary of the chapter56-57
- Conclusion57-58
- Attachments58-81
- Attachment A58-67
- Attachment B67-81
- References81-87
- Published Papers87-89
- Acknowledgement89
中国期刊全文数据库 前10条
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中国硕士学位论文全文数据库 前1条
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