本文关键词: 生态脆弱区 矿业 EEES 耦合协同 出处:《中国地质大学》2014年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:中国改革开放30年间,经济社会发生了翻天覆地地变化,然而工业化的快速发展给了经济、社会和生态环境带来了巨大挑战。目前,中国成为世界上最大的“制造工厂”。随着改革开放进程的不断加快,我国经济得到迅猛发展。据统计,从1978年-2004年期间,我国的工业增加值增速保持在11.5%左右,高于同期我国GDP2个百分点。中国在2008年就成为钢铁、煤炭、水泥、化肥以及电视机等行业的头号输出国。 从工业革命以来,矿业一直作为国家或地区经济发展的重要引擎。充分的证据表明,采用现代矿业立法和提供有利环境的国家能够吸引矿业勘探和生产投资。这反过来又有助于增加国家和地区税收、出口收入、就业机会,有利于基础设施建设以及东道国技术引进。2012年我国石油勘查新增探明储量15亿吨,天然气9610亿立方米,煤炭616亿吨、铁矿40亿吨、铜矿431万吨、金矿917吨、钾盐1461吨。新增大中型矿产地共119处,其中大型矿产地23处,中型矿产地96处,主要分布在新疆、云南、山西、内蒙古、河南、山东、贵州和吉林等省区。主要矿产品产量持续增加,国内供应能力不断增强。煤炭、粗钢、水泥等矿产品产量稳居世界首位。2012年,全国一次性能源产量为33.2亿吨标准煤。然而,在矿产资源开采为发展中国家经济发展提供相当大机会的同时,有风险或不合理的采矿业务可能导致当地经济社会畸形发展,造成环境破坏。特别是在生态脆弱地区,矿产资源不合理开发利用对当地经济社会和生态环境破坏更为严重。 生态脆弱区作为生态问题突出、经济相对落后、人民生活贫困的问题重叠区域,依照传统模式继续发展,其矿业发展极有可能陷入矿业发展越快→生态环境问题越多→生态环境失衡→矿业发展停滞的恶性状态。然而,矛盾不是必然的,耦合协同作为一种哲学的、系统的思想,伴随着整个发展过程,论文研究生态脆弱区矿业生态、环境、经济与社会间的正向耦合与协同,力图打破彼此割裂的局面,寻求生态利益、环境利益、经济利益的统 一,为矿业全面、持续发展提供参考。本文融合运用了区域经济学、环境经济学、矿业经济学、资源经济学、生态经济学、制度经济学、可持续发展理论、政策学、地理科学、系统科学等相关理论,贯穿了系统分层的思路,采用定性分析与定量研究相结合、实证研究与规范研究相结合、纵向比较与横向比较相结合的基础上完成,论文主要内容如下: 第一,在阅读了学术界众多专家学者的相关学术成果之后,对耦合协同关系认识、耦合协同量化研究和耦合协同机理分析等相关研究成果进行了梳理。本文从认识论、耦合观、方法论研究等三个层面对生态脆弱区矿业生态环境与经济社会耦合协同发展的相关研究进行综述与评价。认识论上经历了传统的财富追求观、悲观的零增长论、乐观的经济发展论直到辩证耦合协调观的形成;耦合观层面生态化理念已渗透到经济、管理、社会系统的方方面面,生态系统与经济系统耦合产生了零资源经济、排泄资源经济、环境经济、循环经济、绿色经济、生态经济、低碳经济和碳汇经济等新理念;生态系统与管理系统耦合产生了生态型领导、生态管理、生态型服务、生态供应链及生态型设计等理念;生态系统与社会系统耦合在执行层面产生了生态型政府、生态型企业、生态型社区、生态型城市、生态省、生态功能区等实施方案;生态系统与社会系统耦合在具体操作层面产生了清洁生产、生态型生产、环境经营、生态产业等做法;方法论上将国内外生态环境与经济社会评价方法分为基于指数综合加成、基于功效系数、基于变异和距离、基于动态变化、基于模糊理论、基于灰色理论、基于DEA模型、系统演化及系统动力学理论的耦合协调度测量;最后,对国内外研究成果进行了述评,认为国内外研究中存在构成论研究多,生成论研究少;概念界定不一,研究方法重叠;理论成果难与实践对接等问题。 第二,综合国内外学者研究,生态脆弱区划大致可以分为两大生态脆弱区、六大生态脆弱区、七大生态脆弱区和八大生态脆弱区。本章在东部、中部和西部地域区划基础上,将生态脆弱区划分为东部生态脆弱区、中部生态脆弱区、西部生态脆弱区,并从每个生态脆弱区中挑选两个省份进行典型生态脆弱区矿业发展现状分析。 第三,基于生态脆弱区矿业发展主要利益相关者:政府、社区和矿业企业视角,构建三方动态博弈模型,采用逆推归纳法,得出生态脆弱区矿业发展与生态环境系统相容三方混合策略纳什均衡博弈结果。 第四,选择DEA模型,结合模糊数学理论,实证研究了青海省EEES耦合系统协同发展状况。首先,用DEA的技术效率反映协同效度,用规模效率反映发展效度,综合效率反映协同发展效度,定义了两两子系统、三个以上子系统协同效度、发展效度、协同发展效度的计算。运用DEA模型从纵向和横向两个层面入手,评价了青海省矿业EEES耦合系统协同发展状态,纵向上以青海省时间序列2005-2012年间每一年作为评价单元,分别建立了生态环境子系统、经济子系统、社会子系统共20项输入输出指标,评价了各子系统内部、两两子系统之间、生态环境、经济、社会三个子系统之间的发展效度、协同效度和协同发展综合效度,评价结果如下:青海2005年、2006年、2008年、2012年矿业EEES耦合系统协同发展效度评价可知,这几年耦合系统的发展效度、协同效度、协同发展效度均为1,表明这几个年份生态环境经济社会耦合系统同时满足发展有效、协同有效、综合有效,系统输入、输出间的效率最佳,投入产出规模最优,耦合系统各子系统之间、子系统各要素间结构比例恰当,相对而言,耦合系统整体协同发展效果最好。而2009年、2010年、2011年这3年是协同有效、发展非有效,即各子系统和要素间结构比例适当,但投入产出规模不是最佳状态,存在投入不足或者投入冗余。横向上,以2012年我国14个典型的生态脆弱和富有矿产资源的省份为决策单元,选取了包括生态环境投入、经济投入、社会投入三组12项输入指标,经济发展指数、环境指数、社会发展指数、生态指数四组9项输出指标,并在指标无量纲化处理的基础上进行了综合加成,评价了我国各地区耦合系统协同发展状况。将评价效率聚为三类,结果如下:内蒙古、吉林、辽宁、湖南属于第Ⅰ类地区,协同发展状况很好;湖北、黑龙江、甘肃属于第Ⅱ类地区,协同发展良好;其余省份属于第Ⅲ类初级协同地区。其中,青海EEES耦合系统协同发展状况属于第Ⅲ类,处于初级协同状态,资源投入、环境投入冗余率高,且规模收益递减,表明通过增加资源的消耗并不能实现经济社会的发展,在现有生产规模的基础上,通过技术进步提高资源的利用率和废物的循环利用效率,积极采取协同发展模式。 第五,制定面向政府、企业、公众不同主体的激励与约束措施,首先,发挥政府的导向作用,参照绿色GDP、GPI等指标建立新的国民经济核算方法,实行领导干部环境问责制,理顺矿业环境管理体制;使企业成为生态环境保护的主体,通过绿色消费需求推动企业技术创新,给予政策优惠激励企业发展,缩短环境技术的产业化过程;提高全民保护生态环境的意识,实行环境信息公开,完善公众参与机制。 实施层面制定面向政府、企业、公众不同主体的激励与约束措施,首先,发挥政府的导向作用,参照绿色GDP、GPI等指标建立新的国民经济核算方法,实行领导干部环境问责制,理顺矿业环境管理体制,建立合理有效地社区冲突解决机制;使企业成为生态环境保护的主体,通过绿色消费需求推动企业技术创新,给予政策优惠激励企业发展,缩短环境技术的产业化过程;提高全民保护生态环境的意识,实行环境信息公开,完善公众参与机制。
[Abstract]:Chinese 30 years of reform and opening up, economic and social changes happened to turn the world upside down, but the rapid development of industrialization to the economic, social and ecological environment has brought great challenges. At present, Chinese became the world's largest manufacturing factory. With the reform and opening-up process accelerating, China's economy has been developing rapidly. According to statistics, from during the 1978 -2004 year, China's industrial added value growth remained at around 11.5%, higher than the same period in China GDP2 percentage points. China has become the iron and steel, coal, cement and fertilizer in 2008, TV industry's first exporter.
Since the industrial revolution, mining has been an important engine for the economic development of countries or regions. Ample evidence that the use of modern mining legislation and provide a favorable environment to attract national investment in mining exploration and production. This in turn helps to increase taxes, countries and regions export income and employment opportunities, is conducive to the construction of infrastructure and the host country in China.2012 petroleum exploration new proven reserves of 15 tons, 961 billion cubic meters of natural gas, 616 tons of coal, iron ore 40 tons, 4 million 310 thousand tons of copper, 917 tons of gold, 1461 tons of potash. New large and medium-sized mineral and a total of 119, among them large and medium-sized mineral mineral 23, 96, the main distribution in Xinjiang, Yunnan, Shanxi, Inner Mongolia, Henan, Shandong, Guizhou and Jilin provinces. The yield of main mineral products continues to increase, domestic supply capacity is growing. Coal, crude steel, cement and other mineral products The output ranked first in the world for.2012 years, the one-time energy production of 33.2 tons of standard coal. However, the exploitation of mineral resources to provide considerable opportunity for the economic development of developing countries at the same time, there are risks or unreasonable mining operations may lead to local economic and social development deformity, caused by damage to the environment. Especially in ecologically fragile areas, mineral resources the unreasonable exploitation of local economic and social and ecological environmental damage is more serious.
The ecological fragile area as ecological problems, the economy is relatively backward, people living in poverty in the overlapping area, in accordance with the traditional mode of development continues, the development of the mining industry is likely to fall into the mining development faster, more ecological and environmental problems, ecological imbalance, mining development stagnation of cancer. However, the contradiction is not inevitable, coupling as a kind of philosophy, system theory, along with the entire development process, the study of ecological fragile area of mining ecological environment, economy and society, the positive coupling between each other and cooperation, trying to break the cut crack situation, seek the ecological interests, environmental interests and economic interests of the system
A mining, comprehensive, sustainable development to provide reference. This paper uses the integration of regional economics, environmental economics, resource economics, industry economics, ecological economics, institutional economics, sustainable development theory, policy science, geography science, system science and other related theories, through the hierarchical thinking, qualitative analysis and quantitative research. Combination of empirical and normative research, combining the longitudinal and horizontal comparison on the main contents of this paper are as follows:
First, after reading the relevant academic achievements in the academic circles of numerous experts and scholars, the coupling coordination between the understanding, combined quantitative research and coupling coordination mechanism analysis and other related research results carried out in this paper. From the view of epistemology, coupling, review and evaluation of relevant research methods on the three aspects of ecological fragile areas the mining ecological environment and economic and social development. Combined epistemology experienced the traditional pursuit of wealth view, zero growth pessimistic theory, optimistic theory of economic development until the formation of the concept of dialectical and coupling coordination; coupling level view of ecological concept has penetrated into the economic, management, social aspects, and ecological system economic system coupling produces zero resource economy, waste resource economy, environment and economy, circular economy, green economy, ecological economy, the new concept of low carbon economy and carbon sink economy; ecological The coupling system and management system of the ecological leadership, ecological management, ecological services, ecological supply chain and ecological design idea; coupling of ecological system and social system to produce the ecological government, at the executive level of eco enterprises, ecological community, ecological province, ecological city, ecological function zone plan; coupling ecosystem and society the system produce cleaner production, at the operational level of ecological production, environmental management, ecological industry practices; method of social evaluation on ecological environment and economy at home and abroad were divided into comprehensive index based on addition, based on efficacy coefficient, variation and distance based, based on dynamic change based on fuzzy theory, based on the grey theory, based on DEA model, system evolution and system coupling dynamics theory of coordination degree measurement; finally, the research results at home and abroad are reviewed. They believe that the domestic There are many research in the theory of composition, less research on generative theory, different definition of concept, overlapping of research methods, and difficulties in docking theory results with practice.
Second, a comprehensive study of the scholars at home and abroad, fragile ecological regionalization can be divided into two ecological fragile areas, six ecological fragile area, ecological fragile area and ecological fragile area of eight seven. This chapter in the eastern, central and western regional basis, the ecological fragile area is divided into the eastern ecological fragile Zone, fragile area in the middle the ecological, ecological fragile area in Western China, and from the ecological fragile area in each selected two provinces of the typical ecological fragile areas of analysis of the current situation of mining industry development.
Third, the mining development in fragile ecological area based on the main stakeholders: government, community and mining enterprises from the perspective of the construction of the three party, the dynamic game model, using backward induction, the mining development in fragile ecological area and ecological environment of the three party system compatible mixed strategy Nash equilibrium game results.
Fourth, choose the DEA model, combined with the fuzzy mathematics theory, an empirical study on the EEES coupling system of Qinghai province coordinated development status. First, with the technical efficiency of DEA reflects the validity of cooperation, with scale efficiency reflects the development of validity, comprehensive efficiency reflects the cooperative development validity, the definition of the 22 subsystems, more than three subsystem collaborative development validity, validity the calculation, cooperative development validity. Using the DEA model from the vertical and horizontal two aspects, collaborative development evaluation of the mining EEES coupling system of Qinghai Province, Qinghai Province in the longitudinal time series from 2005-2012 every year as the evaluation unit, the ecological environment subsystem are established, the economic subsystem, a total of 20 output index the input of social subsystem, evaluation of the internal subsystem, 22 subsystems, ecological environment, economic development, social validity between the three subsystems, the validity of cooperation and collaborative development Comprehensive evaluation of validity, the results are as follows: Qinghai, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2012 the validity of coordinated development of mining EEES coupling system, the development of validity, in recent years the coupling system of cooperative validity, cooperative development validity was 1, that this year several ecological environment economic and social development and meet the effective coupling system, coordinated and effective, comprehensive and effective the system input and output, the efficiency of input and output, the optimal size, the coupling between different subsystems, each subsystem structure elements appropriate proportion, relatively speaking, the best overall coupling system for collaborative development. And in 2009, 2010, 2011, the 3 year is the collaborative development of non effective, effective, namely each subsystem the elements and structure of proper proportion, but the input and output size is not the best, there is insufficient or redundant input. Horizontally, in 2012 China's 14 typical ecological fragile and rich The mineral resources of the provinces as decision-making units, including the selection of ecological environment investment, economic investment, social investment index three group 12 input, economic development index, environment index, social development index, four sets of 9 output indicators of ecological index, and index based on the dimensionless comprehensive addition, evaluation the coupling system of the coordinated development of various regions of our country. The efficiency evaluation into three categories, the results are as follows: Inner Mongolia, Jilin, Liaoning, Hunan belong to the class I region coordinated development is in good condition; Hubei, Heilongjiang, Gansu belong to the class II region, coordinated development of good; the remaining provinces belong to the type III primary cooperative Qinghai area. Among them, EEES coupled system synergetic development condition belongs to the type III, in the primary coordination state of resources and environment, input redundancy rate, and decreasing return to scale, that through increase the consumption of resources is not To achieve economic and social development, based on the existing scale of production, we should actively adopt collaborative development mode through technological progress, improving the utilization rate of resources and recycling efficiency of wastes.
Fifth, making for the government, enterprises, the public of incentive and constraint measures, first of all, play the guiding role of the government, to establish the national economic accounting green GDP, new GPI and other indicators, leading cadres to implement environmental accountability system, rationalize the mining environmental management system; make the enterprise become the main body of the protection of the ecological environment, promote enterprise technology innovation through the green consumption demand, give preferential policies to encourage enterprises to develop the industrialization process, shorten the environment technology; improve people's awareness of environmental protection, the implementation of environmental information disclosure, improve the mechanism for public participation.
The implementation level formulation for the government, enterprises, the public of incentive and constraint measures, first of all, play the guiding role of the government, to establish the national economic accounting green GDP, new GPI and other indicators, leading cadres to implement environmental accountability system, rationalize the mining environmental management system, establish a reasonable and effective community conflict resolution mechanisms; to enable enterprises to become the main protection of the ecological environment, promote technological innovation through the green consumption demand, give preferential policies to encourage enterprises to develop the industrialization process, shorten the environment technology; improve people's awareness of environmental protection, the implementation of environmental information disclosure, improve the mechanism for public participation.
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