本文选题:汽车供应链 + 碳足迹 ; 参考:《中国流通经济》2013年12期
[Abstract]:In the context of global economic integration, carbon emissions have been transferred to the middle and downstream enterprises through the supply chain transmission mechanism.Therefore, the perspective of carbon emissions inspection should be the whole path, that is, measuring the supply chain carbon footprint.The calculation of the carbon footprint of Guangdong automobile supply chain shows that the distribution of carbon emissions in Guangdong automobile industry is extremely uneven, in which the design and development of core enterprises have reached the international low carbon standard.The carbon emissions of the manufacturing sector are close to those of the advanced manufacturing industry.However, the carbon emissions of enterprises in the middle and lower reaches of the supply chain are still high. The supply of spare parts, transportation and distribution of logistics enterprises and the use and maintenance of sales enterprises constitute the three major carbon emission sources of Guangdong automobile industry.In addition, the carbon emissions from car scrapping are easily ignored, but its harm is especially worthy of attention.The results also show that the local energy saving and emission reduction measures in Guangdong automobile industry have not brought about the improvement of the overall environment of supply chain because of the carbon transfer phenomenon.Besides improving the living environment of the enterprises in the middle and lower reaches of the supply chain, effective carbon governance is more important to synchronize the carbon footprint emission sources of the supply chain to achieve the overall efficiency of energy saving and emission reduction.
【作者单位】: 南华工商学院现代物流研究中心;美国里海大学罗森工程学院;
【基金】:广州“十二五”规划课题“供应链碳融资路径研究——构建广东汽车产业减排资金链的全球视角”(项目编号:10B71)的部分研究成果 广东社会科学院立项资助
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