本文选题:精益管理 + 供应链优化 ; 参考:《电子科技大学》2014年硕士论文
[Abstract]:With the continuous maturity of domestic transformer manufacturing industry and the increasingly fierce market competition, transformer manufacturing industry has entered the era of full market free competition. As a Sino-foreign joint venture in transformer manufacturing, the manufacturers are faced with severe cost challenges. They hope to improve the production mode, optimize supply chain management, and eliminate all kinds of waste in the value chain through lean management. All staff participate in continuous improvement activities, save operating costs, thereby improving the competitiveness of the product. Firstly, this paper briefly introduces the content of lean management, the production of lean production, the principle of lean production and the concept of inventory in production. According to the relevant steps of lean implementation, based on the analysis of the current situation of production management in C Company, and through the design of future production planning process, the visual management of lean production is carried out in C Company, and the inventory is reduced by 30%. Create a culture of continuous improvement, employee participation in KAIZEN activities, eliminate waste in production, shorten manufacturing cycle by 30, and reduce operating costs by 15. Thirdly, this paper makes use of the lean management principle and the strategic thought of centralized purchasing, optimizes the organization of supply chain, sets up the partnership with suppliers through centralized scale purchasing, and reduces the purchasing cost by 7%. Apply lean thought, optimize transportation flow, save transportation cost up to 20. Improve the supplier selection and supplier performance management process, so as to strengthen the supplier cooperation process of delivery and quality management, improve operational performance. Finally, through the implementation of the optimization process, this paper shows the effectiveness of the optimization scheme through relevant practical data, including the shortening of production cycle, the reduction of inventory value, the reduction of material purchase and transportation costs, and so on. This paper adopts the concept of lean management, optimizes the supply chain flow, takes the elimination of waste as the goal, enhances the productivity, has the reference function to the related manufacturing industry, especially in the operation management aspect, is advantageous to the enhancement enterprise intrinsic competitive power.
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