[Abstract]:As one of the first management models, the traditional inventory management model has many drawbacks, so the inventory management model under the supply chain management is born, including the joint management inventory model and the supplier management inventory model. In this paper, three inventory management models are compared in terms of cost under the economic order batch model. Firstly, the characteristics of the three models under the economic order batch model are obtained by combining the definitions of the three inventory management modes. The traditional inventory management model aims at optimizing the cost of retailers and suppliers, and obtains the optimal economic order batch of retailers and the optimal economic production batch of suppliers. The supplier management inventory model is determined by the supplier and bears the retailer's inventory cost and the shortage cost. The optimal economic production batch is obtained from the optimization of the overall cost of the supply chain. The joint management inventory model obtains the optimal economic order volume of the joint management inventory center by setting up joint inventory center instead of suppliers and retailers to bear the inventory cost in order to reduce the overall cost of supply chain. Secondly, according to the characteristics of the three inventory management models under the economic order batch model, the supply chain cost formula is derived from the two assumptions that there is a shortage of goods with lead time and no shortage of goods with no lead time. In order to make the comparison more intuitionistic, this paper quotes a set of data from related articles, establishes the sensitivity analysis table and obtains the supply chain cost variation diagram according to the relevant variables in the derived supply chain cost formula. By comparing the supply chain cost change diagram, the comparison of supply chain cost under different hypotheses and different modes is obtained intuitively, and the absolute superiority of inventory management mode under supply chain management is proved at the same time. At the end of the article is the summary of the whole article and the prospect of future research work.
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