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发布时间:2018-09-08 15:03
[Abstract]:With the change of market dynamics and competitive environment, non-price factors, such as services, have gradually become an important factor influencing consumers' purchasing decisions, from simple price competition among enterprises to price and service competition. In order to maximize their own interests, retailers will improve the quality of services (such as physical experience, personalized customization, etc.) to improve the added value of goods, while improving consumer welfare. In order to make their products stand out in alternative products and occupy a larger market share, manufacturers can only obtain greater service support from retailers by providing certain service subsidies to retailers. Increase the advantages of their products in the service, thereby increasing profits. Service has become an indispensable factor in product competition and has become a hot topic in academic research in recent years. Its main characteristic is to study the coordination of supply chain based on price and service competition. Based on the summary of domestic and foreign scholars' supply chain coordination based on price and service, The effects of manufacturer's service subsidy policy on the optimal pricing, service decision and profit of the participants in the supply chain composed of two manufacturers and one common retailer are studied. The main contents and conclusions of this paper are as follows: 1) this paper studies the wholesale price, service level, retail price, market demand of the manufacturer's service subsidy to the products in the supply chain under the Stackelberg game dominated by the manufacturer. The influence of retailer profit and manufacturer profit. The research shows that the service subsidy always causes the manufacturer's profit to be damaged, and if there is no proper profit distribution mechanism, the manufacturer has no incentive to provide the service subsidy. For this reason, the Nash bargaining model is used to distribute the extra profit brought by the service subsidy policy so that the profit of both parties increases by .2) under Nash equilibrium game, the wholesale price of the manufacturer providing service subsidy to the products in the supply chain is studied. Effect of service level, retail price, market demand, retailer profit and manufacturer profit. The research shows that the manufacturer's service subsidy increases the wholesale price, service level, retail price and market demand of their products, and increases with the increase of service subsidy coefficient. However, the retailer profit and the manufacturer profit do not necessarily increase, only if the service subsidy coefficient meets certain conditions, can the profit increase be achieved.


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