[Abstract]:With the increasingly strengthening of resource and environmental constraints, the concept of green and low-carbon development is widely accepted, which makes the theory of green supply chain management become the focus of global attention. As the participants and stakeholders of green supply chain system, manufacturing enterprises, retailers, consumers and governments, all of them can only cooperate, supervise and restrict the green supply chain system by taking into account economic benefits and environmental constraints. Only on the basis of pursuing the maximization of economic and social benefits of green supply chain can we realize the best self-interest. The participating enterprises in green supply chain often belong to different administrative jurisdiction because of their different geographical location, so their decision-making behavior of participating green supply chain management is influenced and restricted by the relevant policies of local governments. At present, there are two problems to be solved in the coordination of green supply chain: (1) how to make the sales price and green degree of products according to the intervention policy of local government to ensure the efficiency of supply chain coordination; (2) how the local government make reasonable intervention policy to ensure the fairness of the participating enterprises in the cross-regional green supply chain. Aiming at these two problems, based on the previous experience and research results, this paper discusses the coordination of efficiency and fairness of the participating enterprises in the local government subsidy order stage and multi-stage green supply chain respectively. The main research contents are as follows: (1) the coordination of green supply chain between the two enterprises. Firstly, considering the substitution of products to consumers, the price and green degree of the products are introduced into the demand function of the products. Secondly, aiming at the intervention policy of local government only subsidizing green products, the green supply chain coordination model of two competitive enterprises is constructed based on Bertrand game. Finally, the relationship between local government subsidy and product sales price and green degree is analyzed. (2) the coordination of multi-stage cross-regional green supply chain under local government subsidy. According to the multi-stage cross-regional green supply chain with different local government subsidies, considering that the market demand is affected by different product sales price and green degree, Based on Stackelberg game, the multi-stage cross-regional green supply chain coordination model is constructed. This paper analyzes the decision making and local government subsidy strategy of participating enterprises in multi-stage green supply chain with different demand. (3) the equity of cross-regional green supply chain under local government subsidy. Aiming at the influence of different local government intervention policies on the participating enterprises in the cross-regional green supply chain, considering the multi-stage structure green supply chain and the general network structure green supply chain, taking the Thiel index as the upper level decision goal, this paper discusses the influence of different local government intervention policies on the participating enterprises in different stages in the cross-regional green supply chain. Taking the coordination of multi-stage green supply chain under the government subsidy of Stackelberg game as the lower level decision goal, a bilevel programming model is constructed. Based on the analysis of the minimum unfairness of the participating enterprises in the cross-regional green supply chain, this paper analyzes the decision making and local government subsidy strategy of the participating enterprises in the green supply chain.
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