[Abstract]:With the continuous development of railway industry in China, the volume of railway container transportation is also increasing day by day, but the means of railway container information collection are relatively backward. In the container yard stations, manual and semi-artificial information recording methods are still used, and the efficiency is low. Error rate is high, and the container can not be real-time monitoring, positioning. In view of this, this paper has carried on the following research: the technical route aspect, first of all, introduces the GPS technology, the bar code tracking technology, the RFID technology system management composition and its application in the cargo tracking localization, among which emphatically introduces the RFID technology, And its working principle is expounded. Then according to the application background of railway container tracking and positioning and the business process of railway container yard, the problems in railway container tracking and positioning are analyzed, and the characteristics of GPS technology, bar code tracking technology and RFID technology are summarized and compared. Through comparison, it is found that the application of RFID technology in railway container positioning and tracking has obvious advantages, which are as follows: (1) make the container logistics coordinate as a whole and change the "dark box" operation status of railway container. To realize the real-time communication between the upper and lower enterprises in the supply chain; (2) to automate operation and improve working efficiency, to make the whole operation flow of container "clearly visible", so as to prevent "leakage box" and "wrong box" in the course of transportation; (3) improve the quality of transportation service and logistics service. Therefore, RFID technology is chosen as the technical route of this paper. In the aspect of location algorithm, based on RSSI localization algorithm, the mapping between signal strength and geometric distance is established. According to the idea of LANDMARC reference label, the influence of multiple reference neighbors on system performance and positioning accuracy is studied. The Chan algorithm is used to estimate the initial position of the target to be located, and then the iterative algorithm is used to locate the target accurately. Finally, the algorithm considering the historical effect is improved and the algorithm is verified by simulation. The simulation results show that using more than 4 readers and not requiring too many reference tags can meet the needs of practical applications, and the historical effect algorithm does not need additional hardware to improve the positioning accuracy.
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