[Abstract]:Due to the rapid development of Internet and other related science and technology, e-commerce sales model has been applied by more and more enterprises. There are many advantages in e-commerce marketing, such as communicating and selling products with customers through platforms such as websites, which can save space rental fees, and because salespeople can serve a large number of customers at the same time through the website. As a result, sales costs for personnel have fallen sharply. Traditional sales channels also have their own advantages. For example, customers can actually access the goods, so that consumers can have a more realistic understanding of the goods; For example, by optimizing the shopping environment and providing better sales staff, traditional channel retailers can make consumers feel a completely different shopping experience from online channels. Therefore, the traditional channel and network channel coexist, so as to achieve complementary advantages of the supply chain model came into being. For the dual-channel sales system, on the one hand, the network channel and the traditional sales channel have completely different characteristics; On the other hand, dual channels are usually controlled by independent manufacturers and retailers, and there is a fierce conflict of interest in the system. How to choose the supply chain inventory management strategy to maximize the minimum revenue of channel conflict is a practical problem that we need to solve. In addition, due to the increased level of competition, the level of service has become an important means for businesses to use. This paper studies the pricing strategy and service level strategy of a dual-channel sales system in which a manufacturer and a retailer control the network channel and the traditional sales channel, respectively. The profit of retailer is a mathematical model of objective function, and it is analyzed according to different cases. The relevant conclusions obtained by the research and analysis are consistent with the actual management behavior in the market competition. The main research work of this paper is listed as follows: 1. Summarize the domestic and foreign research status of dual-channel supply chain management, explain the shortcomings of the existing research results, and point out the aspects that can be studied in depth. 2, According to three commodity inventory management strategies and two game situations, five sub-models are divided into five sub-models, which are solved and analyzed respectively, and simulated by an example. The results show that the decentralized inventory strategy with shared revenue is superior to the decentralized inventory strategy with no shared revenue. 3, the relationship between pricing strategy and service level strategy under different modes is analyzed. The study points out that there is a positive correlation between the sales price of goods and the level of service, whether it is the network channel or the traditional sales channel. 4. Through the study, we can know that when manufacturers and retailers cooperate with each other in different sales channels, The overall benefits of the dual-channel system will be greater than if the two systems do not cooperate. At present, most of the participants in dual-channel supply chain are competing with each other. Therefore, the conclusions obtained in this paper have certain guiding value for sellers to formulate strategies to cope with market competition. Finally, we point out the shortcomings of this study and the aspects that can be further studied in the future.
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