本文关键词: 天津文庙 退厅还廊 维修 展览 出处:《吉林大学》2010年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】: 近年来,中华民族传统文化越来越受到重视,国家及各地政府加大了对文物建筑修复的投入力度,各地文庙建筑得到了有效的保护。目前,介绍文庙类博物馆保护与利用的学术成果较少,能够借鉴的经验非常有限,本文作者身处历时两年的天津文庙大修工程第一线,掌握了一些图文资料,目睹了各单体建筑的维修过程,参与了存在争议部位的讨论。经向建筑专家及老工匠求教,粗浅地了解了文物修缮的一些方法。特别是在维修过程中存在争议的“退厅还廊”问题,文中进行了佐证,佐证方法可供其他文庙借鉴。此外,笔者还参与了《天津文庙府庙复原陈列》大纲的编写工作,经历了复原陈列的全过程,对文庙祭祀位次,石碑复原,本地名宦、乡贤入祠考证等问题,本文也进行了阐述,以求教于学仁。
[Abstract]:In recent years, more and more attention has been paid to the traditional culture of the Chinese nation. The state and local governments have increased the investment in the restoration of cultural relics, and the local temple buildings have been effectively protected. The author of this paper is in the front line of Tianjin Wenmiao overhaul project which lasted for two years, and has mastered some picture and text materials. Witnessed the repair process of individual buildings, participated in the discussion of disputed sites, and sought advice from construction experts and old craftsmen. In this paper, some methods of restoration of cultural relics are briefly understood, especially the controversial question of "retreat and return corridor" in the course of maintenance, which is corroborated in this paper, and the supporting method can be used for reference by other temples. In addition. The author also participated in the compilation of the outline of "Restoration and display of the Temple of Wen Miao in Tianjin", experienced the whole process of restoration of display, the restoration of stone tablets, the local name of official, the textual research of Xiang Xian into the temple, etc. This article has also carried on the elaboration, in order to seek the education Yu Xueren.
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