本文关键词: 会展 国家竞争优势 对策 出处:《江苏大学》2010年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】: 会展业是服务贸易的重要组成部分之一,集聚效应与辐射效应显著,对国民经济发展,产业结构调整具有巨大的拉动作用,素有“经济助推器”之称。现代的会展业自从1851年诞生于欧洲至今,形成了以欧洲和美洲为龙头,以亚太地区为强大新生力量的全球化产业,被称为“朝阳产业”。随着世界经济朝着全球化和一体化方向的发展,会展业在世界经济的发展中起着越来越重要的作用,成为世界经济的新的重要经济增长点。会展活动已成为一种主要的人类集体性物质文化交流方式,并已成为重要的社会活动方式,在人类的物质和精神生活中发挥着越来越重要的影响。 本文着力突出了美国经济学家迈克尔.波特(Michael Porter)的国家竞争优势说在会展行业的运用,首先界定了会展业及其所带来的会展经济现象的涵义、特征及作用方式,选取出目前国际上较成功的一些会展作为本文案例,与我国会展业的发展情况进行对比分析。综其共性和个性均验证了竞争优势说在会展行业的普遍适用性。最后,通过SWOT分析法阐述了我国会展业在国内、国际环境方面的优势、弱势、机会和挑战,并运用竞争优势说来指导我国会展业的实践,提出与时俱进的有效发展策略。
[Abstract]:Convention and exhibition industry is one of the important components of service trade. The agglomeration effect and radiation effect are significant, which has a huge pulling effect on the development of national economy and the adjustment of industrial structure. Since its birth in Europe in 1851, the modern exhibition industry has formed a globalized industry with Europe and the Americas as the leading countries and the Asia-Pacific region as the powerful new force. It is called "sunrise industry". With the development of the world economy towards globalization and integration, the exhibition industry plays an increasingly important role in the development of the world economy. It has become a new important economic growth point in the world economy. Convention and Exhibition activities have become a major form of collective material and cultural exchange of human beings, and have become an important mode of social activities. Play a more and more important role in the material and spiritual life of human beings. This paper focuses on the application of Michael Porter's theory of national competitive advantage in the exhibition industry. First of all, it defines the meaning, characteristics and functions of the exhibition industry and its brought about by the phenomenon of exhibition economy. This paper selects some successful exhibitions and exhibitions in the world at present as a case study, and compares them with the development of the exhibition industry in China. The generalization of its generality and individuality verifies the general applicability of the theory of competitive advantage in the exhibition industry. This paper expounds the advantages, disadvantages, opportunities and challenges of China's convention and exhibition industry in the domestic and international environment by means of SWOT analysis, and uses the competitive advantage to guide the practice of the exhibition industry in our country, and puts forward the effective development strategy of keeping pace with the times.
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