本文关键词: 博物馆 大型原创性特展 策展人制度 营销推广 展览导赏 公众体验 社会策展人 创新理念 广东省博物馆 魏峻 出处:《东南文化》2017年06期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:In recent years, the exhibition work of museums in China, especially the work of large-scale original exhibitions, has obtained unprecedented opportunities for development. The Guangdong Provincial Museum synthesizes the purpose of the museum, the collection structure system and the public demand, and plans the thematic direction and series of the special exhibitions. Using the model of "the curator is responsible for team work", using the incentive mechanism to select the curator, to train the team cooperation ability, in marketing promotion, social education, public experience, exhibition guide, exhibition evaluation and social curator. Many ideas innovation and exploration practice in public fund provide experience and reference for the original exhibition work of Chinese museum.
【作者单位】: 广东省博物馆;南京博物院;
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