本文关键词: 典型区 入境旅游 差异 对比分析 出处:《陕西师范大学》2010年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:区域差异是区域经济发展中所存在的一种普遍现象,而作为区域经济发展的重要组成部分,区域旅游发展差异同样是客观普遍存在的,其存在和变化又将对经济、社会、环境等产生多方面复杂的影响,总的来讲既有积极的意义,也有消极的影响。随着中国旅游业的迅速发展,旅游业的区域差异已经日益明显,由此而产生的问题和负面影响将阻碍中国旅游业的持续、健康发展,因此,对区域旅游差异的深入分析及研究就成为当前旅游领域的一种必然选择。 目前国内外对区域旅游发展的研究大多集中在区域旅游资源的开发与管理,市场的营销和开拓等方面,而对区域之间旅游发展的差异进行对比研究的较少,且往往研究的空间尺度比较单一,大多研究仅仅针对旅游发展差异的某一方面进行分析比较,研究内容不够全面;研究方法也仅仅局限在定性研究或简单描述性统计分析上,在此基础上进行的研究,结论缺乏说服力,研究结果片面化,因此现实指导意义不大。 本文依托国家自然科学基金项目《中国典型区域入境旅游流东-西递进空间演化机理研究》,选取中国六大典型旅游区做为研究区域范围,以六大典型旅游区所辖的17个旅游省市做为分析比较对象,采用理论与实证相结合,定性研究与定量研究相结合的方法,客观、准确、全面地对中国六大典型区入境旅游发展的时空差异进行分析,以期寻求缩小区域旅游发展差异并促进其整体协调、持续、健康发展的路径,通过此种深层次对比分析为中国六大典型区旅游的发展提供理论指导和科学依据。 本文的研究内容主要有以下四个方面:一是介绍入境旅游差异的研究意义,国内外对区域差异研究的现状;二是界定中国入境旅游典型区,并确定中国入境旅游差异对比研究的空间范围;三是从宏观、中观和微观的角度,采用不同的差异指标对六大典型区所辖的17个省市做了对比分析,从区域角度出发,得出近年来中国入境旅游差异在不同尺度下的变化趋势和特征;四是提出了提升中国入境旅游持续、健康、稳定发展的策略和建议。 通过对六大典型旅游区所辖17个省市的不同尺度下和不同指标的对比分析下,本文主要得出以下几点结论: (1)东西旅游带间旅游外汇收入发展水平的绝对差异迅速扩大,而相对差异在缓慢上升。六大典型区区域内旅游外汇收入的绝对差距(除2003年)整体上呈现扩大的趋势,而六大典型区区域内旅游外汇收入的相对差距变化并不一致,东部三大区域内旅游外汇收入的相对差异整体上呈下降的趋势,其中长三角的相对差异程度最小,环渤海和珠三角的相对差异相对较高。蜀渝旅游区内相对差异波动较大,但变近几年来相对差异有上升趋势,云贵旅游区内相对差异波动较小,区域稳定,甘陕旅游区近几年有增长趋势,总体有上升趋势。 (2)东部旅游带旅游外汇收入增长速度除个别时段外,均落后于西部旅游带。东部旅游带与西部旅游带旅游外汇收入增长速度的相对差异变化呈下降趋势。典型区域旅游外汇收入的增长速度在不断上升,但区域间旅游外汇收入增长速度的绝对差距一直在不断缩小,与此同时,区域间旅游外汇收入增长速度的相对差距(除2003、2007两年)也一直比持续下降。 (3)环渤海地区的旅游省际差异波动平缓,但是对六大典型区的贡献值偏高,说明环渤海地区内部的省际差异是造成六大典型区差异的主要原因。云贵地区的省际差异贡献值最小,多年来呈现缓慢的上升趋势,珠三角地区的省际差异呈现上升趋势,说明珠三角地区近年来入境旅游也的发展的费均衡性有所加大。长三角地区的差异则有说下降,说明长三角地区的入境旅游业发展趋于均衡。川渝旅游区的贡献值经历了先低后高的变化。甘陕旅游区的值则是2007年以前一直在增大,2008年出现了极低值。 (4)东部旅游区中环渤海的集中程度最低,珠三角最高;西部地区中是川渝旅游区的集中程度最低,云贵旅游区集中程度最高。因此,环渤海和川渝地区入境旅游业的专业化集中程度还须进一步努力。 本文以国家旅游局历年统计的入境旅游资料为基础,并结合笔者亲自参加的旅游市场问卷调查为辅助参考,在实证案例分析的基础上,对入境旅游差异的对比研究在以下几方面进行了创新: (1)目前学术界对于入境旅游差异研究主要集中在省域范围内,或者全国范围内,对典型旅游区入境旅游差异的研究较少,本文选取中国六大典型旅游区作为研究对象,分别从宏观、中观和微观层次进行了入境旅游差异的对比分析,选取发展水平和发展速度等经济指标和Theil系数、区位熵等差异指标进行了不同尺度的对比研究,为全面科学的揭示中国入境旅游流的东西递进演化规律和机理分析做好了铺垫工作。 (2)注重理论研究与实践应用相结合,论文撰写依据了作者亲自参与的国家自然科学基金项目(编号:40771058)课题组,2008年赴六大典型旅游区对入境游客实际调研以及当面访谈,在此基础上,整理数据进行分析研究使得结论更具有说服力和科学性。 鉴于研究能力有限和资料的限制,在研究区域上,仅仅针对具有典型代表性的旅游区差异进行了分析研究,没有在全国范围进行差异研究分析,对于全国非典型旅游区未能进行对比分析,进而得出全国范围的差异成果,因而有待于进一步去完善。
[Abstract]:Regional difference is a common phenomenon in regional economic development , but as an important component of regional economic development , regional tourism development difference is also objective ubiquitous , its existence and change will have many complex effects on economy , society , environment and so on . At present , most of the researches on regional tourism development focus on the development and management of regional tourism resources , the marketing and exploitation of the market , and the differences of tourism development between the regions are comparatively small , and the research methods are limited to qualitative research or simple descriptive statistics analysis . Based on the study of the evolution mechanism of China ' s typical regional inbound tourism flow in China , the author selects six typical tourist areas in China as the research area , and analyzes the spatial and spatial differences of the inbound tourism development in the six typical areas of China with the combination of theory and demonstration , with a view to finding out the path of the regional tourism development difference and promoting its overall coordination , sustained and healthy development . This paper gives theoretical guidance and scientific basis for the development of tourism in the six typical areas of China . The main contents of this paper are as follows : Firstly , the author introduces the research significance of the difference of inbound tourism and the status quo of regional difference research at home and abroad . Through the comparative analysis of different scales and different indexes of 17 provinces and cities under the six typical tourist areas , the following conclusions are drawn : ( 1 ) The absolute difference of the development level of tourism foreign exchange income between east and west is rapidly expanded , and the relative difference is rising slowly . The relative difference of the tourism foreign exchange income in the six typical areas is relatively high . The relative difference of the tourism foreign exchange earnings in the three major regions is relatively high . ( 2 ) The growth rate of foreign exchange earnings in the eastern tourism zone lags behind the individual period . The relative difference of the growth rate of foreign exchange earnings in the eastern travel zone and the western tourism zone is declining . The absolute difference of the growth rate of foreign exchange earnings in the region has been shrinking continuously . At the same time , the relative difference of the growth rate of foreign exchange earnings between the regions ( except 2003 , 2007 ) has been declining . ( 3 ) The fluctuation of the inter - provincial difference in the Bohai Sea area is gentle , but the contribution value to the six typical areas is high , which indicates that the inter - provincial difference in the Bohai Sea area is the main cause of the difference of the six typical regions . ( 4 ) The concentration of the Bohai Sea is the lowest in the eastern tourist area , the highest in the Pearl River Delta , the lowest in the western region , and the highest concentration in Yungui tourist area . Therefore , the degree of specialization of inbound tourism in the Bohai Sea and Sichuan - Chongqing area must be further efforts . Based on the inbound tourism data collected by the national tourism bureau in the past year and combined with the author ' s own self - participation tourist market questionnaire , this paper makes a comparative study on the difference of inbound tourism on the basis of the empirical case analysis , and makes innovations in the following aspects : ( 1 ) At present , the research on inbound tourism difference is mainly concentrated in the province domain , or in the whole country , the study on the difference of inbound tourism in typical tourist areas is less , and the contrast study of different scales such as the economic indexes such as the development level and the development speed and the difference indexes such as Thom coefficient and location entropy are selected . ( 2 ) Based on the combination of theoretical research and practical application , the paper is based on the research group of the national natural science fund project ( No . 40771,058 ) which the author participated personally . In 2008 , it went to six typical tourist areas to study the inbound tourists and interviews . On the basis of this , the analysis and research on the collated data made the conclusion more persuasive and scientific . In view of the limited research capacity and the limitation of data , only the difference of typical typical tourist areas is analyzed and studied in the study area , and there is no difference research and analysis in the whole country , and the comparative analysis of the national non - representative tourist areas is not conducted , and the nationwide difference results are obtained . Therefore , it is expected to be further improved .
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