本文选题:大学新生 切入点:艾滋病 出处:《河南大学》2011年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:目的: 了解艾滋病高发区某综合性大学新生艾滋病防治知识、态度、行为及其影响因素,为开展高校艾滋病防治工作提供基线数据和科学依据。 方法: 采用便利抽样方法对艾滋病高发区某综合性大学的6250名大学新生进行问卷调查。问卷经过专业人员编程,以计算机网上无纸化的方式进行调查。采用均数分析、方差分析、频数分析、加权分析和卡方检验方法,分析大学新生艾滋病预防知识、态度及行为的总体情况,并采用多元逐步回归分析和Logistic回归分析方法,探讨影响新生艾滋病知识态度及行为等的影响因素。 结果: 1艾滋病预防知识结果:大学新生艾滋病防治知识百分制综合得分平均78.4±12.4分;多元逐步回归结果显示:男性百分制综合得分高于女性,家庭居住地在农村和城镇的学生得分相对低,文学、教育学、历史学和管理学学科的学生得分低,家庭所在地有艾滋病病人的学生得分高;女生妇科疾病患病率为5.8%,患妇科疾病时医疗服务利用率是40.7%。76.8%的调查对象对于生殖健康知识与艾滋病传播之间的关系认识不正确。有性行为者妇科疾病患病率(22.6%)远远大于无性行为者(5.6%),两者比例之间差异具有统计学意义(P=0.000);新生现有艾滋病知识的来源途径排在前5位的是:电视宣传,报刊、杂志,宣传册,互联网,专家讲座。希望获得艾滋病知识途径排在前5位的是:电视宣传,专家讲座,宣传册,互联网,报刊、杂志。希望途径上升幅度最大的依次是:医生,专家讲座,参观展览;大学新生知识需求排在前三位的是防治艾滋病的基本知识、常见病防治知识、健康生活与行为方式。 2对待艾滋病感染者态度及行为结果:对待亲戚得了艾滋病,有15.4%的学生选择了尽量躲避;对待朋友得了艾滋病,16.0%的学生选择尽量躲避。 3艾滋病密切相关行为调查结果表明:29.3%的新生有过恋爱经历,4.9%的新生有过性行为。34.9%的大学生赞成或不反对多性伴侣。有38.5%的调查对象赞成婚前性行为现象;男性、恋爱次数增加、年龄增加、家庭居住地有艾滋病病人、“教育学(包括体育学科)”、“文学(包括艺术学科)”、法学学科的调查对象发生性行为概率较大;在发生性行为时,调查对象每次都使用安全套的的比例是15.6%,最近一次性行为安全套的使用率是46.8%, 79.6%的学生赞同或者不反对在校园内设置安全套自动售货机。 4新生住宿结果:2.9%的新生刚步入大学校园即在校外租房。明确表明将来有意在校外租房者占19.0%;新生选择在校外租房的前三位原因是:第一、方便自由,第二、有一个清净的学习环境,第三、学校条件不尽如人意。 5艾滋病对于大学新生的影响程度和影响方面结果表明:有61.2%的大学新生认为艾滋病对自己有影响;艾滋病流行对于大学生日常生活影响的方面比较广泛。 结论:大学新生的艾滋病预防知识总体水平不高;女生的生殖健康知识和艾滋病防治知识相对匮乏;学生学习艾滋病知识更倾向于电视宣传,报刊、杂志,宣传册和互联网等大众媒体;大学新生对艾滋病感染者存在明显的歧视态度和逃避行为;与艾滋病密切相关的行为:新生恋爱观、性观念开放,发生性行为的大多采取无保护措施。不同性别、不同年龄、不同生源地的学生性相关行为的发生存在差异。大学新生在外租房现象存在,且有增加的趋势,原因由单一化向多元化方向发展。因此,要在新生中建立防止艾滋病扩散的“免疫”屏障,必须加强大学生艾滋病健康知识教育,结合学生特点制定有针对性的、行之有效的政策建议。
Objective to understand the knowledge, attitude, behavior and influencing factors of AIDS prevention and treatment among a comprehensive university freshman in high incidence area of AIDS, so as to provide baseline data and scientific basis for developing AIDS prevention and control in universities.
By using the convenient sampling method, 6250 freshmen of the high incidence of AIDS in a comprehensive university conducted a questionnaire survey. After the questionnaire survey was performed by professional programming, computer online paperless way. Using the mean analysis, variance analysis, frequency analysis, weighted analysis and chi square test method, analysis of college students knowledge of AIDS prevention. The general situation of attitude and behavior, and adopts the method of multiple regression analysis and Logistic regression analysis, this paper analyses the factors affecting the new AIDS knowledge, attitudes and behavior.
Results: 1 knowledge of AIDS prevention knowledge of AIDS prevention and control of college freshmen 100 points comprehensive score was 78.4 + 12.4; multiple stepwise regression results show that the male percentile score higher than women, family residence in rural and urban students scored relatively low, literature, education, history and science students score management low family, where there are AIDS patients high scores of students; female gynecological disease prevalence rate was 5.8%, suffering from gynecological diseases of medical service utilization rate is 40.7%.76.8% survey on the relationship between knowledge of reproductive health and AIDS spread understanding is not correct. The prevalence of sex of gynecological diseases (22.6%) were far greater than the actors (5.6%), the difference was statistically significant between the two ratio (P=0.000); new sources of AIDS knowledge existing in the top 5 are: TV propaganda, newspapers, magazines, Xuan From books, Internet, expert lectures. Hope to get the knowledge in the top 5 are: TV publicity, expert lectures, brochures, Internet, newspapers, magazines. The biggest way of getting in order: doctor, expert lectures, visiting the exhibition; knowledge requirement in the three position is the basic the knowledge of AIDS prevention and control knowledge of prevention and treatment of common diseases, healthy lifestyle and behavior.
2, the attitude and behavior results of AIDS infected people: 15.4% of them chose to try to avoid it when they got AIDS, and 16% of the students chose to avoid it.
The results of investigation of 3 AIDS closely related behaviors indicate that 29.3% of freshmen have experienced love, 4.9% of the students had the sexual behavior of college students in favor of.34.9% or did not oppose more sexual partners. 38.5% of the respondents approve of premarital sex; men, love age increased, the increase in the number of living AIDS patients, "Education Science (including physical education)", "Literature (including art subject)", the survey of the subject of law sex probability; in sexual behavior, the survey of using condoms every time the proportion is 15.6%, the use of condoms in the last sexual ratio is 46.8%, 79.6% of the students agree or not against setting condom vending machine in the campus.
4 accommodation: 2.9% of students had just entered the University in questionnaires.then. Clear interested in extracurricular rental accounted for 19%; the new choice in the top three reasons for renting is: first, convenience and freedom, second, have a clean learning environment, third, school conditions are not satisfactory.
5, the influence degree and influence of AIDS on freshmen, the results show that 61.2% of college freshmen believe that AIDS has an impact on themselves, and the impact of AIDS epidemic on College Students' daily life is more extensive.
Conclusion: the freshmen's overall level of AIDS prevention knowledge is not high; female reproductive health knowledge and knowledge of AIDS prevention and control is relatively scarce; students' knowledge of AIDS is more inclined to the TV, newspapers, magazines, brochures and the Internet and other mass media; college students obviously discriminatory attitudes and behavior of AIDS infected people escape; closely related AIDS behavior: the new concept of love, the concept of open, mostly take sex unprotected. Different gender, different age, sex related behaviors of students from different areas are different. The phenomenon of college students rent, and there is an increasing trend, why develop from single to multiple. Therefore, to prevent the spread of AIDS to establish immune barrier in the newborn, we must strengthen the education of College Students' AIDS health knowledge, combined with the characteristics of students system Targeted, effective policy recommendations.
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