本文选题:中国共产党 切入点:会道门 出处:《首都师范大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:会道门是中国近现代史上十分活跃的一股势力,曾在中国下层社会具有巨大的影响力,也发挥了十分复杂的作用。但是中华人民共和国建立后,在中共以马恩列斯毛思想为圭臬,以苏联模式为模板,以实现社会主义、共产主义为理想的雄心勃勃的改造中国的宏大规划中,是没有为会道门留下方寸之地的。以“镇压反革命”运动为背景,中共对会道门进行了严厉的取缔,使其在中国大陆基本绝迹。 之所以能够在短时间内解决会道门问题,原因在于中共并没有单纯以在形式上取缔、镇压会道门为目标,而是将其当做一项政治任务,通过其强大的社会动员能力,力求彻底摧毁会道门在下层民众中的影响,以达到正本清源的目的。在北京市,中共经过长期的准备之后,于一夜之间逮捕了大部分的会道门道首,并大张旗鼓地宣布会道门为“反革命组织”,在舆论生占据有利地位。此后,借着“镇压反革命”运动的东风,中共继续加大宣传力度,利用报刊、广播、展览、座谈、控诉会等各种方式宣传会道门的“罪行”,将其与“反革命”画上等号,使大部分道徒望而却步。中共还以控诉、推道费为号召,积极动员一般道徒起来与道首进行斗争,使道徒在与道首决裂后投向中共政权的怀抱。北京市取缔工作的最高潮是对一部分“罪大恶极”的道首的公开处决,对大部分会道门道徒起到了极大的震慑效果。在取缔工作中,北京市的各级党政组织发挥了关键性的作用,通过各区区委、各机关单位的党委及全体党员的活动,取缔工作得以层层深入到社会的最底层,充分贯彻实施中共中央及北京市委的决策,这一点是取缔工作取得成功的关键。 通过取缔会道门工作的开展,新生的中共政权迅速在北京市扫除了旧社会的残余力量,树立的自己的权威,并检验、纯洁了党员队伍,为日后在北京发挥政权职能及发动历次运动打下了基础。
[Abstract]:Huidaomen is a very active force in the modern history of China. It once had great influence in the lower classes of China and played a very complicated role. But after the founding of the people's Republic of China, In the ambitious plan of the Communist Party of China to reform China with Mao's thought as the norm, the Soviet model as the template, and the realization of socialism and communism as the ideal, In the context of the "suppression of counter-revolution" movement, the Communist Party severely banned Huidaomen, which was basically extinct in mainland China. The reason why it was possible to solve the issue of the "Hui Dao" door in a short period of time was that the Chinese Communists did not simply aim at formally outlawing and suppressing the secularism, but regarded it as a political task and through their strong social mobilization ability. Strive to completely destroy the influence of the Huidaomen in the lower class in order to achieve the objective of clearing up the source. In Beijing, after a long period of preparation, the Communist Party of China arrested most of the Huidaomen entrance overnight. He declared the church a "counter-revolutionary organization" and gained a favorable position in public opinion. Since then, with the momentum of "suppressing the counter-revolutionary" movement, the Communist Party of China has continued to increase its propaganda efforts, using newspapers, periodicals, radio, exhibitions and discussions. The prosecution committee and other means of propagating the "crime" of the guild gate and equating it with the "counter-revolution" have deterred most Taoists. The Chinese Communists also actively mobilized ordinary Taoists to rise up and fight against the Taoists by calling on them to complain and push fees. After breaking with the Taoists, they turned to the embrace of the Chinese Communist regime. The culmination of the crackdown in Beijing was the public execution of some of the "most guilty" Taoist leaders. It has had a great deterrent effect on the majority of the members of the community. In the banning work, the party and government organizations at all levels in Beijing have played a key role, through the activities of the district committees, the party committees of various organs and units, and all party members. It is the key to the success of the work to carry out the decision of the CPC Central Committee and the Beijing Municipal Party Committee. Through the launching of the work of outlawing Huidaodong, the nascent CPC regime quickly swept away the remnants of the old society, established its own authority, and tested and purified the ranks of party members in Beijing. For the future in Beijing to play the role of political power and the launching of previous movements laid the foundation.
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