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发布时间:2018-03-30 10:00

  本文选题:吉林省 切入点:文庙 出处:《吉林大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Confucius Temple is a temple building dedicated to Confucius, a great statesman, thinker and educator in ancient China. Confucius Temple is divided into three categories: the first is the Family Temple, the second is the State Temple, and the third is the Confucian Temple, which is the largest number and most widely distributed. The most representative Confucius Temple is also called the Confucian Temple. As the country pays more and more attention to the rise of national culture, the protection of the cultural heritage has been further regulated and valued. As a precious cultural heritage of our country, the Confucian Temple is a valuable cultural heritage in China. It plays an irreplaceable role in spreading Confucian culture, popularizing social education and carrying forward traditional culture. Local temples have actively explored how to make better use of their social values. Today, out of more than 300 well-preserved cultural temples throughout the country, Most of them are protected and utilized in the form of converted museums. The number of cultural temples built in the history of Jilin Province is relatively small and the status of preservation is poor. Now only Jilin and Changchun temples are retained. Through consulting historical documents and museum archives, This paper reviews 12 temples that existed in the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China in Jilin Province, and focuses on the history and preservation of the existing temples in Jilin Province and Changchun. Jilin Temple is the first temple built in Northeast China, which was built in 1742. After more than 20 conservation and repairs, the historic buildings were basically preserved and are now the state's key cultural relics protection units. The temple was first built in 1872. Although it has undergone several repairs and reconstructions, the historical buildings remain relatively few. Most of the present buildings have been rebuilt in their original sites and are the key cultural relics conservation units in Jilin Province. This paper has arranged several restoration projects in the history of Jilin Wenmiao and Changchun Wenmiao, as well as the protective planning for the Wenmiao Museum at the present stage. Social activities, academic research and other aspects, this paper probes into the present situation of utilization of the Wenmiao Museum in Jilin Province, and makes a comprehensive analysis based on the problems existing therein, including publicity and promotion, display of exhibitions, academic research, sources of funds, talent needs, In order to provide some reference for the research work of Wenmiao Museum in Jilin Province, this paper puts forward the corresponding suggestions in six aspects of the development of Wenchuang.


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