本文选题:体育馆 切入点:火灾烟气 出处:《天津理工大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of society and economy in our country, there are many tall and empty buildings, such as gymnasium, convention and exhibition center, which have new forms and complete functions.Fire smoke spread is not limited in tall clear space building, it is easy to produce toxic and harmful gas, people are dense, evacuation distance is long, safety evacuation is difficult and it is difficult to extinguish fire and rescue, etc., if a fire occurs,The occurrence of a serious fire accident which is liable to cause mass death and injury.Therefore, it is of great theoretical and practical value to study the spatial and temporal distribution of fire smoke spread and the safety evacuation process of fire in large clearance buildings.In this paper, a gymnasium is selected as the object of study, and the method of numerical simulation is used to analyze the time and space distribution of smoke and the process of safe evacuation in case of fire.The main work and conclusions are as follows: (1) based on the fire dynamic simulation software FDS, a 3D full-scale model of a gymnasium is established in this paper. It is found that the buoyancy effect caused by the temperature gradient and density gradient of the gas in the building increases vertically.Because of the wall blocking the smoke began to move downward and formed a hot flue gas layer over the museum. With the development of the fire the concentration and thickness of the smoke layer gradually increased and finally the whole space was covered.When the location of the fire source is asymmetric in the building, the distance of smoke flowing in the large space is prolonged, and the temperature and concentration of the smoke layer are greatly reduced, which makes the smoke layer gather in the sky away from the fire source.Resulting in uneven distribution of hot flue gas layers. 2) based on the temporal and spatial distribution of fire smoke spread,According to the smoke layer height at each exit and the temperature CO concentration and visibility hazard value at 2 m from the ground vertical height, the safe evacuation time is determined. When the fire source is located on the central floor of the gymnasium, the ASET of the three exits is basically the same;When the fire source is in the stands seat, because of the asymmetry of the fire source position, the ASET of the nearest exit 1 is the largest, the exit 3 is the second, the exit 2 is the smallest, the time of the visibility reaching the dangerous value is the shortest.In the fire scene, the safety evacuation time and the safety evacuation time needed by the personnel are the key to judge the safety evacuation of the occupants in the building.Based on the discussion of the influencing factors of evacuation based on Pathfinder, it is determined that when the fire source is located on the central floor of the gymnasium, all personnel in the museum are safely evacuated to the safe area, and the fire source is located in the stadium stands seat.Due to the asymmetry of the location of the fire source, the personnel near the fire source priority to be evacuated to the safe area in 1106.96s.By comparing ASET and RSET, it is found that RSETASET can not be safely evacuated when the mechanical smoke exhausting facility is stopped, that is, all the race personnel and spectators are unable to evacuate safely before the height of the flue gas layer, the concentration of CO and the visibility reach the dangerous value in the building.Use of mechanical smoke exhaust, ASETRSET, in which all racing staff and spectators can safely evacuate before the height of the building's flue gas layer, temperature, CO concentration and visibility reach a dangerous value.
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