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发布时间:2018-04-08 22:21

  本文选题:南山旅游景区 切入点:规划构想 出处:《中国海洋大学》2010年硕士论文

【摘要】:在过去的50年中,世界旅游业发展迅猛,中国旅游业也从一个无足轻重的产业发展成为21世纪的朝阳产业。作为旅游业的支柱旅游景区,己进入快速发展阶段,各省各地区利用当地历史与天然资源不断开发建设新的旅游景区景点,导致国内旅游景区景点数量不断增加,市场竞争迅速激化。一些地区的旅游规划和开发,多采取资源导向,认为拥有资源优势,就必然拥有市场优势和经济优势,这也导致很多地区旅游产品的设计、开发规划、发展思路雷同,重复建设现象严重。在激烈的市场竞争中旅游景区的生存和发展,成为一个值得关注的问题。 烟台南山旅游景区是国家首批授予187处AAAA级景区之一,它位于山东省烟台龙口市境内景色秀丽的卢山之中,文化积淀浑厚,旅游资源十分丰富独特,是一处自然景观与人文景观相结合的旅游胜地。论文以烟台南山旅游景区为研究对象,通过SWOT分析、灰色预测模型、调查研究与统计分析相结合,定性分析与定量分析相结合等方法研究烟台南山旅游景区生存与发展问题。通过本文研究进一步发展南山丰富的旅游资源,建立旅游优势产业,加快南山旅游业发展的步伐,为南山旅游业发展提出可操作性的构想与对策,为南山开发建设新旅游项目提供依据与参考,进而带动龙口烟台乃至山东旅游业的发展,并探讨出既没有独特的历史背景,也没有一种与生俱来的竞争力这类旅游景区生存与发展的新思路。 论文主要分为七章,第1章为绪论,介绍论文选题背景及意义、研究方法、技术路线、研究内容、研究创新点。第2章理论综述,介绍旅游景区含义、分类,国内外旅游景区发展阶段及旅游景区发展研究现状。第3章烟台南山旅游景区发展概况,主要包括烟台南山旅游景区形成背景、发展历史、目前旅游景区内旅游资源概况及特色旅游项目。第4章运用SWOT分析方法对烟台南山旅游景区发展优势、发展劣势、发展机会和发展威胁进行细致的分析。第5章用灰色预测模型对南山旅游景区的客流量进行预测与分析,并通过调查问卷、访谈等方法对南山旅游景区客源进行调查分析。第6章在前面分析的基础上,提出烟台南山旅游景区重点产品发展规划构想,具体包含南山中华爱情胜地、南山影视城、南山世外桃源、南山旅游纪念品的发展思路与规划构想。第7章烟台南山旅游景区发展对策,针对南山旅游景区的不足,从创新发展,深度发展、市场化发展、持续发展四个方面提出加快烟台南山旅游景区发展的详细对策。
[Abstract]:In the past 50 years, the world tourism industry has developed rapidly, and China's tourism industry has also developed from an insignificant industry to a sunrise industry in the 21st century.As the pillar tourist spot of tourism, it has entered the stage of rapid development. Each province and region has continuously developed and built new scenic spots using local history and natural resources, which has led to the increasing number of domestic scenic spots.Competition in the market intensified rapidly.The tourism planning and development in some areas is more resource-oriented, and it is believed that with the advantages of resources, there must be market and economic advantages. This has also led to similar ideas in the design, development and development of tourism products in many regions.The phenomenon of repeated construction is serious.In the fierce market competition, the survival and development of tourist attractions has become a problem worthy of attention.Yantai Nanshan Scenic spot is one of the first #number0# AAAA scenic spots awarded by the state. It is located among the beautiful Lu Shan in Longkou City, Yantai City, Shandong Province.Is a natural landscape and cultural landscape combined with a tourist resort.This paper takes Yantai Nanshan tourist area as the research object, studies the survival and development of Yantai Nanshan scenic spot by means of SWOT analysis, grey prediction model, investigation and statistical analysis, qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis.Through the study of further developing the abundant tourism resources of Nanshan, establishing tourism advantage industry, speeding up the pace of tourism development in Nanshan, and putting forward the feasible conception and countermeasures for the development of tourism in Nanshan.To provide the basis and reference for the development and construction of new tourism projects in Nanshan, and then to promote the development of tourism in Longkou, Yantai and even Shandong, and to explore that there is no unique historical background,There is also no inherent competitiveness, such as the survival and development of tourist attractions new ideas.The paper is divided into seven chapters, the first chapter is the introduction, which introduces the background and significance of the thesis, research methods, technical routes, research content, research innovation.Chapter 2 summarizes the theory, introduces the meaning and classification of tourist attractions, the stages of development of scenic spots at home and abroad, and the present situation of research on the development of tourist attractions.The third chapter is about the development of Yantai Nanshan tourist area, including the background and history of Yantai Nanshan tourist area, the current tourism resources and characteristic tourism projects.Chapter 4 makes a detailed analysis of the advantages, disadvantages, opportunities and threats of the development of Nanshan tourist attractions in Yantai by using SWOT analysis method.Chapter 5 uses the grey forecast model to forecast and analyze the tourist flow of Nanshan tourist area, and through questionnaire, interview and other methods to investigate and analyze the tourist source of Nanshan scenic spot.Chapter 6, on the basis of the previous analysis, puts forward the development plan of key products in Nanshan tourist area of Yantai, including Nanshan Chinese love resort, Nanshan movie and TV city, Nanshan Xantao,The development thought and plan conception of Nanshan tourist souvenir.In chapter 7, the author puts forward the detailed countermeasures to accelerate the development of Nanshan scenic spot in Yantai from four aspects: innovation, deep development, market development and sustainable development, aiming at the shortage of Nanshan scenic spot.


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