本文选题:地铁站事故 + Pathfinder应用 ; 参考:《郑州大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:At the same time, due to the underground underground, with the characteristics of high transport capacity and high density of personnel, there are only a limited number of exits for evacuation in the accident, so the subway safety problem is particularly important.Based on the characteristics of subway station, the principle of human behavior and the characteristics of evacuation behavior, this paper collects a large number of data of basic characteristics and behavior reaction of people through questionnaire survey and literature review, and analyzes the special structure of subway station.Basic characteristics of personnel and other factors on the evacuation time.It is found that most of the respondents are familiar with the exit of the station and the emergency evacuation sign, but only a small number of people can know the fire extinguishers and emergency buttons and master the methods of use.Most of the people surveyed can make a more rational response in an emergency, but a small number of people will make the wrong evacuation escape response, to some extent will hinder the entire evacuation process.In the aspect of correlation analysis, sex, age, occupation, experience of fire safety education and training and frequency of riding were significantly related to evacuation behavior characteristics, and education level and personality were correlated with evacuation behavior characteristics.The effect of cluster relationship on evacuation behavior is not obvious.This paper takes Zhengzhou Metro Line 1 Exhibition Center Station as the background to model the peak state of passenger flow without train stop at the simulated station.The evacuation capacity of passenger flow peak state of single train stop and peak state of double train stop passenger flow is studied in this paper.The basic characteristics of personnel and the influence of station structure on the evacuation process are further studied: the evacuation capacity of the station meets the standard requirements under the condition of peak passenger flow without train and single train stop.The high proportion of evacuees who have had fire safety training experience or high frequency of riding will reduce the reaction time of evacuees and promote the reaction process to a certain extent.When there is no peak passenger flow, that is, the total number of evacuees is small, the evacuation capacity of passengers is not up to the fixed evacuation capacity which can be carried by the stairs, so the evacuation efficiency is mainly affected by the speed of people in this state.Basic features such as shoulder width.Under the condition of peak passenger flow at a single train stop, that is, when the total number of evacuees is large, the evacuation capacity required by passengers exceeds the fixed evacuation capacity that can be provided by the staircase.Therefore, the main factors affecting evacuation efficiency are staircase width and gate location.In this paper, a flat gate with width of 1m is set up near the staircase of the station hall in this model, which can shorten the evacuation time by 26.5s, improve the evacuation efficiency obviously, and maintain the layout of key links in the original station at the same time.
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