本文选题:工笔花鸟画 + 现代转化 ; 参考:《湖北美术学院》2011年硕士论文
【摘要】:工笔花鸟画是中国传统绘画中的一颗奇花异葩,它以特有的艺术面貌独立于世界艺术之林。在东方绘画史上,花鸟画以宋元时期最为灿烂辉煌,为中国的绘画历史谱写了绚丽的篇章。这些优秀的作品至今代表着传统花鸟画的精髓,给予我们以启示。随着历史的发展,中国水墨文人画的推崇,工笔花鸟画也随之进入了低谷,历经了长达几个世纪的沉寂。二十世纪八十年代,工笔花鸟画在一系列的艰难变革之后终于迎来了它的伟大复兴。对于传统文化如何继承和创新,如何顺应时代的变迁、外来文化的影响等等一系列的问题是当代花鸟画艺术工作者所必须面对的。本文将花鸟画从传统向现代的转化历程作为切入点,详细分析其发展的原因和趋势,对于其时代特征和所存在的问题进行了一系列的探讨。下面就本论文的各章节的论点和主要内容作一个简要归纳: 第一章:绪论,主要说明选题的目的和意义,以及国内外研究现状。 第二章:中国花鸟画的产生及发展。这一章从花鸟画最原始的形态,即画花画鸟开始,大致对其发展、成熟、变革以及向纵深发展的几个阶段进行了简单的梳理,以便对下一章节的论述打好基础。 第三章:传统工笔画向现代转化的三步。我重点从三个方面论述了工笔花鸟画从古典形态向现代转化的过程:一,文化的改造。自从明末就开始衰败的工笔花鸟一直处于中国传统绘画的劣势地位而得不到发展,直到“五四”运动给中国带来了新的观念,在文化上主张“科学和民主”。这一历史性的变革使以写实造型为基础的绘画方式在中国绘画领域得到重新重视,也为工笔花鸟画的复苏埋下伏笔。二,意识形态的改造。新中国的成立使马克思主义成为中国社会的主流意识形态,工笔花鸟画也因此从统治阶级和文人士大夫的审美情趣里走向人民大众,开始了其向现代化改造的第二步。虽然历经挫折但成果依然是值得肯定的。三,,现代化的改造。从改革开放以来,“85学潮”之后,包括工笔花鸟画在内的工笔绘画事业得到空前繁荣的发展,历经沧桑和坎坷的中国美术界纠正了在探索道路中面对外来文化和传统艺术的偏激态度和偏见认识,中国绘画自此走向了科学、健康的现代化发展道路。 第四章:现代工笔花鸟画的特征。这一章节我对现代工笔花鸟画的时代特征进行深入分析。分别从视觉形式的突破、传统表现观念的突破、题材的拓展和新颜料品种的开发利用四个方面对其进行论述,并且对一些代表性的画家进行了详细的个案分析。 第五章:影响工笔花鸟画向现代转化的几个因素。这一章节对于工笔花鸟画现代转型的原因进行探讨,我把它概括成为社会环境的变迁、西方文化的影响和现代展览模式的影响三个方面,分别进行论述。 第六章:现代工笔花鸟画发展所需注意的问题。对当代工笔花鸟画发展的道路上存在着一些问题提出探讨。比如它赏心悦目的特质是所有中国画题材里最容易为被百姓所接受和欣赏的,为了迎合市场许多花鸟画家忽视了它的艺术价值而一味的使作品甜腻艳俗,这无疑会降低工笔花鸟画的总体水平,不利于其可持续发展;现代化的展览模式也使很多画家一味追求画面的满、画幅的大,忽视了艺术作品所表达的意境,导致工笔花鸟画形式的程式化。同时,如何面对传统的态度也是工笔花鸟画界至今值得探讨的问题。
[Abstract]:With the development of history , Chinese ink and bird painting is the most brilliant in the period of Song and Yuan dynasties , and it has made a series of researches on how to inherit and innovate the traditional culture , how to bring about the changes of the times and the influence of foreign cultures .
Chapter 1 : Introduction , mainly explains the purpose and significance of the selection , as well as the research situation at home and abroad .
Chapter 2 : The production and development of flower and bird paintings in China . This chapter begins with the most primitive form of flowers and birds , that is to draw flowers and birds to begin , roughly sort out the development , maturity , change and the stages of deep development , so as to make a good basis for the discussion of the next chapter .
Chapter Three : The three steps of traditional Chinese painting to modern transformation . I focus on the process of transforming from classical form to modern transformation from three aspects : one , transformation of culture . Since the end of Ming Dynasty , the work - pen flower - bird has been in the inferior position of Chinese traditional painting .
Chapter Four : The characteristics of modern work - pen flower and bird painting . This chapter makes an in - depth analysis on the characteristics of the times and features of modern industry - pen flower and bird painting . It is discussed from four aspects : breakthrough in visual form , breakthrough of traditional expression concept , extension of theme and utilization of new pigment variety .
In the fifth chapter , the paper discusses the reasons of the modern transformation of the flower - and - bird painting of the work - pen . This chapter discusses the reasons of the modern transformation of the flower and bird paintings of the industry . I summarize it into three aspects : the change of the social environment , the influence of the western culture and the influence of the modern exhibition mode .
Chapter 6 : The problems that need to be paid attention to in the development of modern Chinese painting and bird painting . For example , there are some problems in the development of contemporary Chinese painting and bird painting . For example , it is most easily accepted and appreciated by the people in all Chinese painting themes . In order to cater to the market , many flowers and birds have neglected their artistic value and made the works sweet and exquisite , which undoubtedly reduces the overall level of the work and bird painting and is not conducive to its sustainable development ;
The modern exhibition mode also makes a lot of artists pursue the full picture of the picture , the big picture , neglect the artistic works expresses the artistic conception , leads to the stylization of the form of the flower and bird of the work pen . At the same time , how to face the traditional attitude is also the problem that the work pen flower and bird painting is worth exploring to date .
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