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发布时间:2018-05-05 00:29

  本文选题:海洋文化产业 + 海洋文化产业资源 ; 参考:《山东大学》2010年博士论文

【摘要】: 21世纪是“海洋世纪”,海洋经济成为了经济发展的主题。海洋文化产业作为海洋经济的重要组成部分已经显现出巨大的发展潜力,并成为拉动沿海地区经济增长的重要产业。然而,与蓬勃发展的海洋文化产业的实际相比,当前学术界对于海洋文化产业的研究仍相对薄弱。因此对海洋文化产业这一课题进行研究,界定海洋文化产业的基础概念并构建相关的理论体系,有助于加深对海洋文化产业的理论研究,具有理论建设的意义。本选题通过对山东海洋文化产业的全方位研究,在我国区域海洋文化产业研究方面开创先河,具有一定的方法论意义和学术价值。深化山东的海洋文化产业研究,可以为当前实施的“海上山东”发展战略、“打造山东半岛蓝色经济”区战略提供理论支持,为制定山东海洋文化产业的发展战略及政策措施提供参考,具有鲜明的现实作用。 研究海洋文化产业首先要对海洋文化产业这个概念给予明晰的界定,并对海洋文化与海洋文化产业、文化产业与海洋文化产业、海洋文化产业与海洋产业三对相互关联的概念及它们之间的逻辑关系进行分析。 海洋文化是一切与海洋有关的文化,是人类与海洋互动中所创造的精神财富和物质财富的总和,具有开放性、开拓性、重商性和海陆交织的特征。海洋文化所蕴含的文化价值、艺术审美价值和商业价值,使其本身具有了潜在的市场价值,具备了产业开发的基本条件。在市场经济条件下,海洋文化的产业化是必然的发展趋向。 本文将海洋文化产业定义为从事海洋文化产品生产和提供服务的经营性行业,其本质是海洋文化的产业化。海洋文化产业是由海洋文化和产业化两大要素构成。其中海洋文化是基础性要素,它是海洋文化产业发展的基础性动力;产业化是结构性要素,决定了海洋文化产业的经济构成。海洋文化产业具有涉海性、海陆经济的交织性、内联性以及高风险性的特征。根据产业的内容和性质,按照行业分类法,可以将海洋文化产业划分为海洋旅游文化产业、海洋节庆会展产业、海洋休闲体育产业以及海洋文艺产业四个产业类别。 文化产业是从事文化产品生产和服务的经营性行业。海洋文化是文化的一个分支,所以海洋文化产业是文化产业中专门提供海洋文化产品和服务的产业类型,是文化产业的组成部分。海洋产业是人类利用和开发海洋、海岸带资源所进行的生产和服务活动。按照三大产业的分类标准,海洋产业可以划分为海洋第一产业、海洋第二产业、海洋第三产业。海洋文化产业属于第三产业。因此海洋文化产业和海洋第三产业是有交集的,尤其是海洋旅游文化产业,既属于海洋产业的归类系统,也属于海洋文化产业的分类范畴。 海洋文化产业资源是人们从事海洋文化产品和服务的可供利用的各种资源,具有文化和产业双重属性、非消耗性、动态性、区域性、公共性和传承性的主要特征。按照资源禀赋的主题和功能,本文对海洋文化产业资源进行了重新的整理,提出了海洋文化产业资源的分类体系。该体系将海洋文化产业资源归纳为海洋自然风光资源、海洋历史人文资源、海洋文学艺术资源、海洋风俗资源、海洋饮食文化资源、海洋生物和生态资源、海洋文化节庆资源以及海洋科技资源和海洋产业资源8个类别,20个亚类以及52个基本类型。这一体系不仅包括有形的海洋文化产业资源,还包括非物质形态的海洋文化产业资源,并将历史的、现在的以及未来可供开发的海洋文化产业资源都划归其中。 发展海洋文化产业就是要科学、合理、有效地开发海洋文化产业资源,这就从客观上提出了评估海洋文化产业资源的要求。本文根据海洋文化产业资源的特点,以产业化和文化内涵为核心原则,以挖掘海洋文化产业资源的发展潜力为目标,建立了包括资源文化品质、市场、开发条件、资源效用4个一级指标,文化特色、美学特性、市场区位、市场潜力、经济效益、社会效益等14个二级指标,产业基础状况、居民消费水平等50个三级指标的较为全面的海洋文化产业资源的评估指标体系,并提出了评估的方法和原则。 海洋文化产业资源必须转化为可供消费的物质形式,同时必须具有市场价值、明晰的产权、投资的增值性和市场竞争力才能够进入产业开发的环节。在充分认识海洋文化产业资源保护的必要性的基础上,必须要遵循可持续发展的原则,在开发中进行保护,充分发挥政府规制的作用,通过法律、行政和经济手段对海洋文化产业资源加以保护。要使丰富的海洋文化产业资源充分发挥效能,转化为现实的海洋文化产业,在资源的开发中,必须始终强化海洋文化的核心价值。对于海洋文化产业资源要进行仔细的甄别,取其精华,弃其糟粕,保证海洋文化产业资源的文化品质。海洋文化产业资源还应该按照市场化的配置方式,打破地区壁垒,做到统一规划和联合开发。海洋文化产业资源的开发在保有自身海洋文化特色和民族性的基础上,还应面向国际市场,积极参与国际分工与协作。 在世界海洋经济发展的大趋势下,海洋文化产业的发展不仅是振兴经济,推动社会和文化发展的重要举措,更具有维护国家海洋安全,拓展海洋经济发展空间的宏观战略意义。山东作为海洋文化的发源地之一,拥有绝大多数的海洋资源类型,且数量众多,分布广阔,具有鲜明的地域特色和资源竞争力。这构成了山东省海洋文化产业发展的优势和基础。对于山东省而言,发展海洋文化产业可以促进山东省产业结构的调整和优化,推动山东半岛蓝色经济区建设的顺利进行。因此,发展海洋文化产业不仅是我国海洋经济发展的基本任务,更是山东省经济发展的重要战略目标。 本文用产业战略选择的SWOT分析法对山东省的海洋文化产业发展条件进行研究,得出了山东海洋文化产业在资源、区位条件、经济基础、文化产业环境、城市化率方面具有优势,而经济主体弱小,缺少大型海洋文化企业,人才缺乏的劣势也非常突出的判断,论证了山东海洋文化产业应该利用当前优惠的政策扶持,消费市场的日趋旺盛,以及奥运会和全运会的举办带来的良好机遇,积极应对其他沿海省市的竞争,克服海洋文化产品可模仿性强以及业务周期的冲击和影响。 在此分析基础上,本文确定了山东海洋文化产业的发展战略,即以资源为依托,以海洋旅游文化产业为主导产业的核心产业带动模式。在具体的发展措施上。首先应当提高创新的思维和创新的能力。通过不断强化海洋文化企业的创新和研发能力,建立创新体系,借助高新科技来实现海洋文化产品内容和形式的不断创新。第二,着力打造海洋文化产业品牌,以实现海洋文化产品竞争力的提升;不断进行品牌的延伸和扩张,实现对品牌资源的深度开发和利用。第三,整合海洋文化产业资源,加强区域海洋文化产业联动,发展以海洋文化产业中心城市为核心的海洋文化产业群,建立区域内部的互动合作发展机制,实现海洋文化产业的规模效益。第四,要突破制约山东海洋文化产业的人才瓶颈,就需要积极地吸纳和培育海洋文化产业人才,建立健全人才管理和激励机制。 从政策层面上来说,政府应该发挥宏观调控和政策导向作用,创造有利于海洋文化产而言发展的良好环境。这不仅需要政府继续深化文化体制改革,进一步转化政府职能,还需要通过提供优惠的财政政策和税收政策来实现对海洋文化产业的经济扶持。对于海洋文化产业发展的资金问题,需要政府制定宽松的融资政策,鼓励民营企业和外资企业的参与,鼓励海洋文化企业通过金融市场来筹措资金。对于海洋文化市场,政府要予以建设和监管,既要促进海洋文化市场健康有序地繁荣发展,还要依法规范和管理市场的秩序。应当积极地顺应海洋文化产业的国际化趋势,出台一系列促进海洋文化产品出口的对外开放政策,不断增强海洋文化产业的国际竞争力。 除了从宏观战略层面进行考量和把握之外,本文还结合山东海洋文化产业各行业发展中实际存在的问题,在中观和微观层面对困扰和制约其发展的一系列因素进行分析,并提出了客观性和针对性的措施和策略,以更清晰准确地把握产业格局,推动整个海洋文化产业的发展。
[Abstract]:Twenty-first Century is the "ocean century", and the marine economy has become the theme of economic development. As an important part of the marine economy, the marine culture industry has shown great potential for development and has become an important industry to stimulate the economic growth of the coastal areas. However, the current academic circle has compared with the actual practice of the flourishing marine culture industry. The research on Yu Haiyang's cultural industry is still relatively weak. Therefore, it is helpful to deepen the theoretical research on the marine cultural industry and to build the theoretical system of the marine cultural industry. This topic is based on the whole Party of the marine cultural industry in Shandong. It has a certain methodological significance and academic value in the research of regional marine culture industry in China. Deepening the research on the marine cultural industry in Shandong can provide theoretical support for the current implementation of the "maritime Shandong" development strategy, "building the blue economy of Shandong peninsula", and for the formulation of the marine literature in Shandong. It provides a reference for the development strategy and policy measures of the chemical industry.
The study of marine culture industry should give a clear definition of the concept of marine cultural industry, and analyze the three interrelated concepts and logical relations between marine culture and marine culture industry, cultural industry and marine culture industry, marine culture industry and marine industry.
Marine culture is all culture related to the ocean. It is the sum of spiritual wealth and material wealth created by the interaction between mankind and the ocean. It has the characteristics of open, pioneering, commercial and sea land intertwined. The cultural value, aesthetic value and commercial value of the marine culture make it have the potential market value, and have the potential market value. The basic conditions for industrial development have been prepared. Under the condition of market economy, the industrialization of marine culture is an inevitable trend.
The marine culture industry is defined as a business industry engaged in the production and service of marine cultural products. Its essence is the industrialization of marine culture. The marine culture industry is composed of two major elements of marine culture and industrialization. The marine culture is the basic element, which is the basic motive force for the development of the sea culture industry; It is a structural element that determines the economic structure of the marine cultural industry. The marine cultural industry has the characteristics of sea related, interweaving, inline and high risk. According to the content and nature of the industry, the marine cultural industry can be divided into marine tourism culture industry, and the marine festival exhibition industry can be divided. Marine leisure sports industry and four categories of marine literature and art industry.
The cultural industry is a business industry engaged in the production and service of cultural products. Marine culture is a branch of culture. Therefore, the marine culture industry is an industrial type which provides marine cultural products and services in the Middle School of the cultural industry. It is a component of the cultural industry. In accordance with the classification standards of the three major industries, the marine industry can be divided into the first, the second, the third, the marine third industry. The marine culture industry belongs to the third industry. Therefore, the marine culture industry and the marine third industry are intersecting, especially the marine tourism culture industry, which belongs to the marine industry. Classification system also belongs to the category of marine cultural industry.
The marine cultural industry resources are all kinds of resources available for people to engage in marine cultural products and services, with the dual attributes of culture and industry, non expendable, dynamic, regional, public and inheriting characteristics. According to the theme and function of resource endowment, this article reorganized the marine cultural industry resources, and put forward the resources of the marine culture. The classification system of marine cultural industry resources is made. This system induces marine cultural industry resources into marine natural scenery resources, marine historical and cultural resources, marine literature and art resources, marine custom resources, marine diet culture resources, marine biology and ecological resources, marine culture festival resources, marine science and technology resources and marine production. There are 8 categories, 20 subcategories and 52 basic types of industry resources. This system includes not only the tangible marine cultural industry resources, but also the non material marine cultural industry resources, and the historical, present and future resources for the development of the marine culture industry are classified.
The development of marine cultural industry is to scientifically, rationally and effectively develop the resources of marine cultural industry, which objectively puts forward the requirements for assessing the resources of the marine culture industry. Based on the characteristics of the marine cultural industry resources, the core principle is the industrialization and cultural connotation, in order to tap the development potential of the marine cultural industry resources. It has set up a comprehensive evaluation index of marine cultural industry resources, including the 4 first grade indexes of resource cultural quality, market, development condition and resource utility, cultural characteristics, aesthetic characteristics, market location, market potential, economic benefit and social benefit, such as 14 two level indexes, industrial base condition, consumption level and so on 50 three level indexes. The system and the methods and principles of the evaluation are put forward.
The resources of the marine culture industry must be transformed into the material form for consumption. At the same time, it must have the market value, clear property right, the value added and the market competitiveness of the investment can enter the link of the industrial development. On the basis of fully understanding the necessity of the protection of the marine cultural industry, the principle of sustainable development must be followed. In the development of the protection, fully play the role of government regulation, through the legal, administrative and economic means to protect the marine cultural industry resources. To make the rich marine cultural industry resources full play efficiency, transform into the realistic marine culture industry, in the development of resources, must always strengthen the core value of marine culture. The cultural industry resources of Yu Haiyang should be carefully screened, take the essence, discard the dross and guarantee the cultural quality of the marine cultural industry resources. The marine cultural industry resources should also break the regional barriers and achieve the unified planning and joint development according to the market allocation method. The exploitation of the marine cultural industry resources should be preserved in the marine culture. On the basis of characteristics and nationalism, we should also face the international market and actively participate in international division of labor and cooperation.
Under the trend of the development of the world's marine economy, the development of the marine culture industry is not only an important measure to revitalize the economy and promote the development of the society and culture, but also has the macro strategic significance to maintain the national marine safety and expand the space of the marine economy. As one of the birthplaces of the marine culture, Shandong has the vast majority of the marine resources. Type, with a large number, wide distribution, distinctive regional characteristics and resources competitiveness, which constitutes the advantage and foundation of the development of the marine cultural industry in Shandong province. For Shandong Province, the development of the marine cultural industry can promote the adjustment and optimization of the industrial structure of Shandong Province, and promote the smooth progress of the construction of the Blue Economic Zone in the Shandong peninsula. Therefore, the development of marine cultural industry is not only the basic task of China's marine economic development, but also the important strategic objective of Shandong's economic development.
This paper uses the SWOT analysis method of industrial strategy to study the development conditions of the marine culture industry in Shandong Province, and draws a conclusion that Shandong marine culture industry has advantages in resources, location conditions, economic foundation, cultural industry environment and urbanization rate, and the economic subject is weak, lack of large marine cultural enterprises and lack of talent. Very prominent judgment, demonstrated that the Shandong marine cultural industry should make use of the current preferential policy support, the increasing consumption market and the good opportunities brought by the Olympic and national games, actively responding to the competition in other coastal provinces and cities, overcoming the imitability of marine cultural products and the impact and impact of the business cycle.
On the basis of this analysis, this paper determines the development strategy of the Shandong marine culture industry, that is, the core industry driving mode based on the resources and the marine tourism culture industry as the leading industry. In the concrete development measures, we should first improve the creative thinking and innovation ability. Research and development ability, establish innovation system, with the help of high and new technology to realize the continuous innovation of the content and form of marine cultural products. Second, to create the marine cultural industry brand, to achieve the promotion of the competitiveness of marine cultural products, the extension and expansion of the brand, the realization of the deep development and utilization of brand resources. Third, the integration of the sea. The foreign cultural industry resources, strengthen the regional marine cultural industry linkage, develop the marine cultural industry group with the core of the marine culture industry center city, establish the regional internal interaction and cooperation development mechanism, and realize the scale benefit of the marine culture industry. Fourth, it is necessary to break through the talent bottleneck which restricts the Shandong marine cultural industry. Absorb and cultivate talents in marine culture industry, establish and improve talent management and incentive mechanism.
From the policy level, the government should play the role of macro regulation and policy oriented to create a favorable environment for the development of marine culture. This not only requires the government to continue to deepen the reform of the cultural system and further transform the government's functions, but also to realize the marine culture production by providing preferential financial policies and tax policies. The financial support of the industry. For the development of the marine culture industry, the government needs the government to make loose financing policies, encourage the participation of private enterprises and foreign enterprises, and encourage the marine culture enterprises to raise funds through the financial market. For the marine cultural market, the government should build and supervise the health of the marine culture market. In order to flourish and develop in an orderly way, we should standardize and manage the order of the market according to law. We should actively comply with the international trend of the marine cultural industry, introduce a series of opening policies to promote the export of marine cultural products, and constantly enhance the international competitiveness of the marine cultural industry.
In addition to the consideration and grasp of the macro strategic level, this paper also combines the actual problems in the development of various industries in the Shandong marine culture industry, and analyzes a series of factors that plagued and restricts its development at the middle and the micro level, and puts forward the objective and targeted measures and strategies to grasp the production clearer and accurately. The pattern of industry promotes the development of the whole marine culture industry.



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