本文选题:西安市 + 大型赛事 ; 参考:《西安体育学院》2013年硕士论文
【摘要】:近年来,随着我国经济、文化、社会的不断发展及北京奥运会的成功举办,大型体育赛事促进城市发展与更新的理念成为一种时尚,,大型体育场馆建设在全国掀起了一股热潮。西安作为西北唯一的国家副省级城市、国务院批复的第三个国际化大都市,举办大型体育赛事已是社会发展的必然趋势。对西安现有场馆进行调查,分析目前西安赛事场馆的条件现状,以确定西安的办赛能力,对未来西安的体育赛事发展和场馆建设发展具有一定理论和实践意义。 本文通过文献资料法、实地考察法、逻辑归纳法等研究方法,调查分析了西安体育场馆的总体状况,主要对举办大型体育赛事须具备的场馆各项条件及西安现有赛事场馆的现状进行了分析和研究。 研究结果表明,西安体育场馆总体数量相对短缺,场馆设施质量较差,种类不全,多数场馆年代久远,损耗严重,不能满足广大群众日益增长的多元化体育活动需求。从西安政策、经济、文化等社会因素来看,西安具有良好的承办大型体育赛事和兴建大型赛事场馆的外部环境。西安现有赛事场馆基本以中等规模为主,只能满足大型单项体育赛事,但大多数场馆隶属于教育系统,先天公共服务能力不足;正在规划兴建的沣渭新区奥体中心,建成后可承办综合性大型体育赛事,该区域是一个集体育竞赛、会议展览、文化娱乐和休闲购物于一体,最终成为西安国际化大都市的体育中心、文化中心和会展中心;大型大众体育赛事是新时期发展的趋势,有效的开展大众体育,培育赛事市场,兴建多功能大众体育场馆是一条发展体育文化,创造城市体育品牌的新思路。
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the continuous development of economy, culture and society in our country and the successful holding of Beijing Olympic Games, the idea that large-scale sports events promote the development and renewal of the city has become a fashion, and the construction of large-scale stadiums and gymnasiums has set off an upsurge in the whole country. Xi'an is the only national deputy provincial city in northwest China and the third international metropolis approved by the State Council. It is an inevitable trend of social development to hold large-scale sports events. The investigation of the existing venues in Xi'an, the analysis of the present conditions of Xi'an sports venues, in order to determine the ability of Xi'an to run the matches, will have certain theoretical and practical significance for the development of sports events and the construction of venues in Xi'an in the future. Based on the methods of literature, field investigation and logical induction, this paper investigates and analyzes the general situation of Xi'an stadiums and gymnasiums. This paper analyzes and studies the conditions of large-scale sports events and the present situation of Xi'an sports venues. The results show that the total number of stadiums and gymnasiums in Xi'an is relatively short, the quality of stadiums and facilities is poor, the types of stadiums and gymnasiums are not complete, the majority of stadiums and gymnasiums are old and wear down seriously, and can not meet the increasing demand for diversified sports activities From the perspective of policy, economy, culture and other social factors, Xi'an has a good external environment for hosting large-scale sports events and building venues for large-scale sports events. The existing venues in Xi'an are mainly of medium scale and can only be used for large individual sports events. However, most of the venues belong to the education system and lack innate public service capacity. The Fengwei New area Olympic Sports Center, which is being planned for construction, After the completion of comprehensive large-scale sports events, the region is a collection of sports competitions, convention and exhibition, cultural entertainment and leisure shopping in one, eventually become the international metropolis of Xi'an sports center, cultural center and exhibition center; Large-scale mass sports events are the trend of development in the new period. It is a new idea to develop sports culture and create urban sports brand by effectively developing mass sports, cultivating competition market and building multi-function mass sports venues.
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