本文选题:西藏自治区 + 美协 ; 参考:《美术》2013年09期
[Abstract]:From 26 to 27 July, Wu Changjiang, secretary of the CPC sub-party group and executive vice chairman, and du Jun, director of the exhibition department, made a special trip to Lhasa, Tibet, to carry out investigations, actively practice the mass line, and work with Shen Kaiyun, chairman of the Tibetan Federation of Literary and Cultural Affairs. Han Shuli, chairman of the Tibet Art Association, Yu Youxin, consultant, Chilai, executive vice chairman, and Bian Ba, deputy secretary general, held a small research forum to listen to opinions, promote exchanges, provide support, and strengthen cooperation. During the investigation, Dong Yunhu, member of the standing Committee of the Tibet Autonomous region Committee and Minister of propaganda, met with Wu Changjiang and his entourage. At the forum, Wu Changjiang introduced the close ties between the Chinese Association of Fine Arts and the Tibet Autonomous region in recent years, as well as the enduring charm of the Tibetan region and the Tibetan people to artists. He said: many famous artists have come to Tibet, and many famous works have shown Tibet, and the artistic creation of Tibetan themes has formed a very important art phenomenon, running through the history of the development of modern and contemporary fine arts throughout China. Since 2008, the Chinese Art Association has held a series of "snowy plateau", "highly inspired."
【作者单位】: 《美术家通讯》;
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