本文选题:实验艺术 + 新媒体艺术 ; 参考:《北京电影学院》2017年博士论文
【摘要】:实验影像艺术以一个独特的、不受一般法则节制的方式影响着我们,它努力传递情感和信息、挖掘新意、挑战惯常的制作模式,质疑常规的电影系统,不断挑战“标准电影”(standard film)的系统与规范,正是在其找寻差异的不断尝试中,形成了其独特的面貌。因其超越普通受众对影像的接受模式,需要观众做出努力去学习一个新系统,才能体会其影像所传递的信息,这对商业运作模式下的影像制作者们而言是不可行的,因此在市场化、商业化占主导的电影市场中实验性作品的身影越来越少,而以艺术机构和相关研究团体为主导的各类展览中,影像作为艺术家个人表达的媒介却越来越蓬勃,这类影像更是大胆突破传统电影的标准与定式,将之呈现在现代艺术与当代艺术的大背景中,更充分的融合了各种新兴科学技术手段,更多元的呈现出各种美学观念和思想,不断拓展和丰富着艺术的范畴。而另一方面,在实验影像艺术中所产生形成的新技术手段与语言方法也越来越多的被商业电影所借鉴和模仿,实验影像艺术作为一个艺术形态,也正越来越多的被大众接纳与关注。但是,国内理论界至今尚未建构起关于实验影像艺术视觉美学研究的严谨的、全面的理论体系,有鉴于此,笔者认为,作为对实验影像艺术研究的完善,应对实验影像艺术的视觉系统进行深刻的阐释和完整的分析,以期构成实验影像艺术研究全面的理论框架。在实际应用层面,本文通过对实验影像艺术视觉美学的深入研究与分析,以期梳理出其影像的形式与风格,找寻其在影像视觉表达上的新技术和新观念,一方面使进行实验影像艺术的创作者们从中找寻有价值的经验,一方面对商业影片的制作和拍摄提供可行性的借鉴。在世界电影和艺术的发展中,实验影像的历史发展与现状已经成为不可缺少的一部分,实验影像艺术研究也逐渐成为视觉文化研究领域的重要话题。本文即在这种研究语境下,在世界影像的发展体系中,梳理了上世纪20年代年以来实验电影、先锋电影、作者电影、录像艺术、新媒体艺术等影像艺术的发展历程,从多样的理论阐释中切入“视觉美学”、“视觉心理学”等议题,并从实验影像艺术纷繁的视觉生态中探寻一些视觉表达上的路径方法,梳理出一些形式与风格共性,并置入现代艺术与当代艺术的大背景中讨论研究,以期填补我国在这一领域翔实、深入研究的不足。本文将实验影像艺术的视觉形态及对其未来发展的展望作为研究对象。主要内容围绕三个问题展开:一是对实验影像艺术概念的解读,二是对实验影像艺术视觉呈现的分析与梳理,三是对实验影像艺术未来视觉发展的前景预估。打破现有相关研究中以编年体结构来梳理实验影像的方式,以影像视觉为新的角度,重新挖掘和建立实验影像艺术的美学地位。运用文献研究法和个案研究法,在已有关于实验影像艺术研究的基础上,较系统的分析实验影像艺术的屏幕视觉,心理视觉,梳理和归纳实验影像艺术作品的视觉表现形式与风格,并找寻实验影像艺术区别于其它的视觉特点,总结其视觉美学价值。同时运用跨文化研究和影响研究的方法,探讨实验影像艺术未来发展趋向问题。
[Abstract]:The art of experimental imaging affects us in a unique way that is not controlled by general rules. It tries to convey emotion and information, to dig new ideas, to challenge the customary production pattern, to challenge the conventional film system and to challenge the system and norms of the "standard film", and to form a continuous attempt to find differences. It is a unique feature. As it transcends the acceptance model of the ordinary audience, it is necessary for the audience to work hard to learn a new system to realize the information transmitted by the image, which is not feasible for the image makers in the business operation mode, so it is experimentation in the market, commercialized and dominant film market. The shadow of the product is less and less, and in all kinds of exhibitions led by the art institutions and the related research groups, the image is becoming more and more vigorous as the medium of individual expression of the artists. These images are more bold to break through the standard and the formula of the traditional films, and make it more fully integrated in the background of modern art and the art of the generation. The new scientific and technological means, more yuan have presented various aesthetic concepts and ideas, and continue to expand and enrich the category of art. On the other hand, more and more new technical means and language methods produced in the experimental image art are also used and mimicry by commercial films. Experimental image art is an art form, More and more people are receiving and paying attention to it. However, the domestic theorists have not yet constructed a rigorous and comprehensive theoretical system about the visual aesthetic research of experimental imaging art. In order to form a comprehensive theoretical framework for the research of the art of experimental image art, this paper, on the practical application level, through the in-depth study and analysis of the visual aesthetics of the experimental image art, in order to sort out the form and style of the image, find out the new technology and new ideas in the visual expression of the image, on the one hand, make the experimental images In the development of the world film and art, the historical development and present situation of the experimental image has become an indispensable part, and the research of experimental image art has gradually become the focus of the field of visual culture research. In the context of this research, this paper, in the development system of the world image, combs the development course of the image art, such as the experimental film, the avant-garde film, the author film, the video art and the new media art since the 20s of the last century, and cut into the topics of "visual aesthetics" and "visual psychology" from various theoretical interpretations. From the complicated visual ecology of the experimental image, we explore some ways of visual expression, sort out the generality of some forms and styles, and discuss the research in the background of modern art and contemporary art, in order to fill the full and thorough research in this field. The prospect of its future development is the research object. The main contents are three problems: one is the interpretation of the concept of the art of experimental image, the two is the analysis and combing of the visual appearance of the experimental image art, and the three is the prospect of the future visual development of the experimental image art. On the basis of literature research and case study, the screen vision, psychological vision, carding and induction of experimental image art are systematically analyzed on the basis of the research of experimental image art. The visual form and style of the product are different from other visual features, and the visual aesthetic value is summed up. At the same time, the problems of the future development trend of the experimental image art are discussed by using the methods of cross-cultural research and influence research.
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