本文选题:当代 + 现状 ; 参考:《东北师范大学》2011年硕士论文
[Abstract]:In the context of contemporary Chinese watercolor painting, the development is changing with each passing day. The changes of contemporary watercolor paintings in China are more than any other generation. The quality and connotation of the works have been greatly improved and expanded. But at the same time, it exposed the problems, contradictions and challenges of Chinese contemporary watercolor painting. The diversity of art today determines that contemporary watercolor painters should renew themselves in concept, improve themselves technically, arm themselves in theory, keep up with the pace of the times, upgrade aesthetic concepts, and create masterpieces that show the contemporary spirit. In order to promote the further development of Chinese contemporary watercolor painting. It has been a century since Chinese watercolor paintings were imported, digested and fused with the closing curtain of the hundred-year exhibition of Chinese watercolor paintings. The whole century experienced five stages, namely, the late Qing Dynasty, the early Republic of China, the founding of the people's Republic of China, the Cultural Revolution and the reform. From the opening of the various exhibitions, we can clearly feel that contemporary Chinese watercolor painting has changed to the contemporary. Facing the contemporary art form, the artistic idea, the different artistic phenomenon which appears, we must take the criticism and the question attitude to learn, again to innovate, this is the responsibility also is the challenge. This paper sums up the artistic achievement of watercolor painting from Chinese contemporary context and analyzes the various problems and challenges encountered by contemporary watercolor painting in China from different angles. Based on the analysis of various problems, this paper puts forward several orientations of Chinese contemporary watercolor painting, and boldly predicts the development trend of Chinese contemporary watercolor painting. In order to get rid of the lag and further develop, Chinese contemporary watercolor painters must recognize the advantages and disadvantages on the way of development, in order to give full play to the essence of local culture, learn from the advantages of relevant majors. Take their own Chinese characteristics of contemporary watercolor painting road.
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