本文选题:政府主导型展会 + 服务外包 ; 参考:《哈尔滨商业大学》2013年硕士论文
【摘要】:会展经济作为现代服务业,发挥着为各个产业招商引资、经贸洽谈的功能作用,同时会展经济还对吃住行游购娱等相关产业起到巨大的拉动作用,国际上公认的会展经济拉动系数为1:9,这也成为各地政府大力发展会展经济的动力源泉。 会展经济的发展有其自身内在规律性,通常,会展经济发展的初级阶段,往往需要政府发挥巨大的作用,主要体现在:政府的公共资源的投入、政府财力的投入等等。于是,我们国家政府主导型展会在我国会展经济中占有举足轻重的地位,人规模的品牌展会基本都属于政府主导型展会。但是,政府毕竟不是企业,在展会的具体运作方面,政府难以像企业一样,运用利益机制,将展会的经济效益发挥到最大化,而往往出现政府主办展会劳民伤财的情况。如何改进政府主导型展会的运作模式,提升其社会效益和经济效益,是各级政府部门高度重视并亟待解决的重大任务。 论文在对国内外相关研究成果充分梳理的基础上,以交易成本理论、项目管理理论、区域经济理论等为指导,运用逻辑演绎与归纳总结相结合、理论分析与对比分析相结合、规范分析与实证分析相结合等研究方法,重点研究了我国政府主导型展会的三种模式,分析了其优劣势;同时考察了发达国家政府在展会具体运作方面的基本做法,在办展理念,办展思路及具体措施等方面很值得我们学习与借鉴。 本论文的核心价值是提出了我国政府主导型展会运作的新模式,即服务外包模式。基本思想是:政府主导型展会运作不应是政府包办,不应是行政命令性的组展方式,展会的复杂业务也不应由没有专业技能的政府职能部门执行,而应该转变为政府主导、企业化和社会化运作,政府花钱买服务的办展思路和办展模式。这样既可以避免政府包办劳民伤财、展会效果差的问题,也大大提高了展会的服务水平。但是,服务外包办展模式也有不足和难题,核心难题是如何控制好合作对象的服务质量问题,本文认为,通过经济合同的约束和完善的考核机制,合作对象的不良行为是可以有效解决的。 本研究的宗旨是通过对现有展会运作模式的弊病分析,探讨改进思路,创新政府主导型展会运作模式,为政府主导型展会的未来发展提供新思路和新方法,为相关政府部门提供决策参考。
[Abstract]:The exhibition economy, as a modern service industry, plays the role of attracting investment and economic and trade negotiations for various industries. At the same time, the exhibition economy also plays a huge role in stimulating the related industries, such as eating, lodging, traveling, shopping, entertainment, etc. The internationally recognized pull coefficient of exhibition economy is 1: 9, which has become the motive source for local governments to develop exhibition economy. The development of exhibition economy has its own inherent regularity, usually, the initial stage of the development of exhibition economy, often need the government to play a huge role, mainly reflected in: government investment in public resources, government financial investment and so on. Therefore, our national government-led exhibition occupies a pivotal position in the exhibition economy of our country, and the people-scale brand exhibition basically belongs to the government-led exhibition. However, the government is not an enterprise after all, in the specific operation of the exhibition, it is difficult for the government to use the benefit mechanism to maximize the economic benefits of the exhibition. How to improve the operation mode of the government-led exhibition and enhance its social and economic benefits is an important task that government departments at all levels attach great importance to and urgently need to be solved. Based on the research results at home and abroad, under the guidance of transaction cost theory, project management theory and regional economic theory, the paper combines logical deduction with induction and summary, theoretical analysis and comparative analysis. Combining normative analysis with empirical analysis, this paper focuses on three models of government-led exhibitions in China, analyzes their advantages and disadvantages, and examines the basic practices of the governments of developed countries in the specific operation of the fair. In the exhibition concept, exhibition ideas and specific measures are worthy of our study and reference. The core value of this paper is to put forward a new mode of government-led exhibition operation, that is, service outsourcing mode. The basic idea is that the operation of government-led exhibitions should not be arranged by the government, nor should it be an administrative order-based way of organizing exhibitions. The complex business of the exhibition should not be carried out by government functional departments without professional skills, but should be transformed into a government-led one. Enterprise and socialized operation, the government spends money to buy the service run the train of thought and exhibition mode. In this way, the government can avoid the problem of poor performance of the exhibition, and greatly improve the service level of the exhibition. However, the mode of service outsourcing also has some shortcomings and problems. The core problem is how to control the service quality of the cooperation object. This paper holds that, through the restriction of economic contract and the perfect appraisal mechanism, The bad behavior of the cooperation object can be solved effectively. The purpose of this study is to provide new ideas and methods for the future development of government-led exhibition by analyzing the disadvantages of the existing exhibition operation mode, exploring the improvement ideas, innovating the government-led exhibition operation mode. To provide decision-making reference for relevant government departments.
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