[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up, China's economy has increased rapidly and the construction industry has entered a new period of gold development. The high buildings and shopping centers have sprung up like bamboo shoots after the rain. With the improvement of people's living standards and the enhancement of economic consumption, the traditional shopping malls have been unable to fully meet the requirements of people's shopping, so the city, business, office, residence, and travel in the city The commercial complex of stores, exhibitions, restaurants, conferences, entertainment and other functions came into being. The high accessibility of the commercial complex, the high density and intensivism, the overall unity, the functional compound features also fit the objective reality of the low land use rate, the unbalance of the structure, the unreasonable supply of the residential land and so on. But because of the commercial complex building Large area, high personnel use rate and complex spatial structure are becoming more and more serious after the emergency of fire, earthquake, terrorist attack and so on. This paper is based on a large commercial complex in Xi'an as the research background. The purpose of this paper is to explore the law of personnel evacuation in the commercial Comprehensive body. Therefore, the personnel stay in the commercial comprehensive body is detained. According to the investigation, the overall situation of the staff stay in the working day and the weekend is statistically analyzed. The free horizontal walking speed of the personnel in the commercial comprehensive body is calculated by the experimental calculation on the personnel movement parameters, and the speed of the stairs in the school canteen is calculated by the experimental calculation, and the evacuation speed parameters are obtained through the study at home and abroad. Data comparison, determine the staff's shoulder width and reaction time parameters. In the evacuation law of personnel, the method of questionnaire survey and simulation is adopted. Finally, the simulation software Pathfinder2012 is used to simulate a large commercial complex as an example. The retention of the staff was greater than that of the staff in the week, and the maximum of staff retention was between 19:00-21:00. The evacuation speed parameters of different types of personnel were obtained, the horizontal evacuation rate of adult male was 1.3423m/s, the horizontal evacuation rate of adult female was 1.1571m/s, the level of evacuation of old men was 1.0741m/s, and the elderly women were at the level of evacuation. The horizontal evacuation speed is 0.8767m/s. adult male downstairs speed is 0.7331m/s, adult female downstairs speed is 0.6218m/s. combined with field investigation and experiment data. Through the questionnaire and Simulation simulation, the evacuation law is obtained in the emergency situation, in which the evacuation route is set to continue and not the bifurcation evacuation effect is the best. The preparation time is concentrated in one to three minutes and the time for the men to evacuate is less than the female. The market radio or staff notification is the main way for people to judge the occurrence of emergencies. The evacuation behavior of people who participated in the evacuation drills is more scientific and reasonable than those who have not participated in the evacuation drills. The understanding of the evacuation marks has a significant impact on the evacuation behavior selection in emergency situations. The density of personnel, the composition of the personnel, and the position of the promotion point have a significant impact on the overall evacuation time.
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