[Abstract]:Absrtact: at present, many cities in our country, due to the centralization of marginal industrial zones caused by the expansion of urban central districts, the adjustment of industrial structure brought about by the decline of some industries, and the reasons for the requirements of urban environmental improvement, such as "getting rid of the second and entering the third" and "returning pollution to green", etc. A large number of old industrial buildings were left to choose. After going through the deep lessons such as waste of economic resources, destruction of historical context and so on, people gradually realized the value of reusing old industrial buildings in many aspects, such as social history, economic resources, ecological environment and so on. In the process of exploring the reuse mode of the old industrial buildings, drawing lessons from the experience of the developed countries and combining the reality of our country, some new directions have been formed, among which the exhibition building is one of them. Because the exhibition building and the old industrial building have more joint points and strong publicity, it is regarded as a renewal direction of the old industrial building with little investment, little damage and great effect. The renewal practice of old industrial buildings for exhibition buildings has been widely carried out all over the world, but the relevant theoretical research has not yet appeared. The antecedence of practice and the lag of theory make the method of practice not systematic because of the lack of necessary theoretical summary and guidance, at the same time, the theoretical system is imperfect because of the lack of composition of important special research. Based on the dual practical demand of the above practice and theory, this paper tries to change the design essentials of the old industrial buildings through the renewal and development of the old industrial buildings facing the exhibition buildings, the influencing factors, the objects and directions of transformation, and the adaptability of the design. The methods of operation and other special research contents can guide the practice of this kind of practice, and find solutions to the problems of updating the old industrial buildings facing exhibition buildings, which have some pertinence, systematization and feasibility. To provide basic materials and useful reference for future research and practice.
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8 张U,