[Abstract]:The War of Resistance against Japan is the most important historical event of the 20th century, and it is the turning point of China's rejuvenation. Therefore, the historical and cultural studies derived from it have become the necessary foundation for our society to advance. Among them, woodcut engraving in the rear area during the War of Resistance against Japan carried rich social symbols, cultural characteristics and internal direction. The realistic aesthetic value brought by it is even more far-reaching, establishing the realistic aesthetic norms. During these eight years, every aspect of us worked hard for the final victory, and printmaking became an indispensable weapon during the War of Resistance. We can not help but ask why this ancient art form of printmaking walked in front of the art of the same period? What's between these inches is just art? Why did the printmaking in the areas under the control of the state take shape of a special state? What is its form of expression? What does this rear area give printmaking? What has the content given to contemporary art? These problems are the factors forming its aesthetic value, we should explore them one by one. At present, the materials on print during the War of Resistance against Japan in our country are not comprehensive and systematic, most of them are historical materials. In addition, because of the national conditions, the study of the liberated areas more print, but the content of the rear print is relatively less. This leaves the research of this topic with the space of deep discussion and analysis. This article first introduces the modern China for the rise of national art and before the outbreak of the War of Resistance against Japan in China's complex social formation of several forms of painting aesthetic, outlined in the main rear area, that is, within the scope of print creation, printmaking exhibition, Print activities and printmaking development and other aspects of the situation. These are the premise and background of forming the aesthetic value of woodcut prints during the War of Resistance against Japan. Secondly, the paper focuses on the three features of realism spirit of woodcut engraving in the rear area during the War of Resistance against Japan, that is, the image of a kind of cultural artistic conception, revolutionary and popular, realism and expressiveness. And enumerates some printmaking artist's work carries on the analysis and the corroboration. Starting with the spirit of the times, the general environment of the cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, and the ideological transformation of the artists, this paper probes into the reasons for the formation of the aesthetic value of woodcut prints in the rear area of the Anti-Japanese War. In addition, a separate chapter of the pen and ink to introduce the printmaking artist Li Hua, Wang Qi, the works and artistic pursuit. Finally, the paper expounds the profound influence of the aesthetic value of woodcut prints in the period of Anti-Japanese War in the future and the realistic enlightenment to contemporary art.
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