[Abstract]:After entering the 21st century, the design industry with creativity as its core vitality has been attached great importance to by the countries all over the world. Shanghai, Beijing and Shenzhen, the advanced cities in China, have successively proposed the "creative industry center", which takes the design industry as an important component. The development strategy, design industry and spatial layout of "design city" have become the common theory and practice method of urban planning and so on. The Suzhou design industry, relying on the city's profound cultural background and abundant economic strength, has formed a "Suzhou development model" which not only draws lessons from international experience, but also embodies Chinese characteristics, and at the same time gives full play to the local advantages. On the basis of defining the concept and classification of design industry, this paper puts forward the design industrial structure pedigree, which is composed of animation design industry, design service industry, modern media design industry, traditional art design industry and cultural exhibition planning industry. On the basis of analyzing the influencing factors of industrial layout, this paper puts forward the layout mode of industrial cultural resource agglomeration, landscape resource agglomeration, intelligence and technology agglomeration. The layout model of industrial resources agglomeration and the comprehensive layout mode led by the government. This paper analyzes the present situation of Suzhou design industry from the aspects of industrial layout and development problems, and analyzes the top-level strategy of Suzhou design industry. The overall development strategy of Suzhou design industry is put forward in several aspects, such as the structure of the design industry chain and the major projects of the design industry, and the paper puts forward the "belt" of Suzhou design industry and the innovation corridor around Taihu Lake. "two districts"-the old city creative industry film and the park creative industry film, "multi-point" common development spatial layout plan.
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