[Abstract]:The National Art Exhibition, which is held every five years, has been held again, and this is the twelfth time. This is, of course, five years of Chinese painting creation of a general review at the national level. The critics of the exhibition were mixed. Some of the results are generally accepted by all. For example, the Chinese painting exhibition works adhere to the general orientation of "shaping Chinese style and taking the people as the guide" in the overall trend. The creative tendency has a clear sense of the times, various painting styles, and the level of creation of the selected works is generally neat and tidy. The overall appearance is better, on the basis of the general in-depth life, compared with the previous times, there is less similarity, and the style of the painting exhibition is obviously diversified.
【作者单位】: 四川大学;
相关期刊论文 前10条
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3 黄金鹏;;宋元绘画略形写意的美学思想[A];东方丛刊(1998年第1辑 总第二十三辑)[C];1998年
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