[Abstract]:Ningbo Fan's Tianyi Pavilion, known as the "Southern Book City", is the earliest existing private library in China and one of the three oldest existing private library in the world.
In the past, most of the researches on Tianyi Pavilion focused on excavating the concept of collecting books contained in Tianyi Pavilion, carrying forward the long-standing traditional culture of our country and continuing the connotation of Chinese collecting culture. Ancient books and historical archives have common features in the ways of preservation, protection, development and utilization. On the basis of previous studies, this paper takes the historical archives and related historical materials of Tianyige Pavilion side by side as the research object, explores the characteristics and value of the historical archives and related historical materials of Tianyige Pavilion, analyzes the historical archives and related historical materials used for the present, and hides them as a result. This paper investigates the realistic situation of the development of historical archives and related historical materials, ponders over the countermeasures to the existing problems, and puts forward some opinions, hoping to provide effective reference for the further development of Tianyi Pavilion's historical archives and related historical materials utilization, and archives academic research and archives management in related fields in China. Reference resources.
Under the guidance of Marxist historical materialism, this paper analyzes the problems existing in the development of Tianyige Museum's historical archives and related historical materials by using comprehensive, historical and developmental viewpoints, literature research, comparative study and systematic research methods, and then draws some countermeasures and makes a preliminary tentative study. It is divided into four parts.
Preface: To clarify the relationship between archives and ancient books, to explain that the original records of Tianyige ancient books can be regarded as historical files and historical materials, and to summarize the significance of Tianyige historical files and related historical materials development.
Chapter one: Historical Archives of Tianyi Pavilion and related historical materials.
This part, taking Tianyi Pavilion's historical archives and related historical materials as the object, introduces the specific contents and preservation characteristics of these two parts in detail, and summarizes their characteristics and value.
The second chapter: the necessity and feasibility of developing Tianyi Pavilion historical archives and related historical materials.
This part expounds the necessity from the perspectives of historical archives storage and application, historical archives management and the practical significance of relevant historical materials development, and analyzes the feasibility from the aspects of manpower, material resources, financial resources, science and technology.
The third chapter: the current situation and deficiency of the development of Tianyi Pavilion historical archives and related historical materials.
This part introduces the latest experience in the development of Tianyige historical archives and related historical materials, and points out the shortcomings in some development projects.
The fourth chapter: countermeasures and Thoughts on the development of Tianyi Pavilion historical archives and related historical materials.
This part, in view of the problems existing in the development of Tianyi Pavilion's historical archives and related historical materials, considers the countermeasures from the aspects of editing, publishing, exhibition, multimedia display services and so on.
Conclusion: In this part, the author mainly summarizes the main part of the text, and prospects the protection and utilization of Tianyige historical archives and historical materials.
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