[Abstract]:In the process of contemporary urbanization movement in China, the rise of public space art has undoubtedly become a noticeable landscape. However, whether in practice or theoretical research, the construction of public space art in China is still in its infancy, the theoretical system is not perfect, and there are still a lot of blank areas to be filled in the form of expression and creative technology. In this paper, the public space art of the exposition of the past most scholars out of the concept of macro theory, and began to study the specific creative methods and effects, and strive to implement the theory of public space art into practical creation, It also tries to build a bridge between theory and practical creation; although it is still immature, it is believed to be beneficial. "Public Space Art" and "Interactive Media Art" are hot subjects in recent years. They have very remarkable common ground, but in the field of public art, they seldom see the in-depth discussion of interactive media art. However, the research and practice of interactive media art mostly stay in the experimental stage, and the practical application of practical works in public space can be described as rare. This article grasps the internal relation and the existing problems between the art form of "public space art" and "interactive media", and introduces the interactive media art into the research field of public space art. From the perspective of public space art, we pay close attention to the expression of interactive media. I believe that the efforts made in this paper can not only contribute to the improvement of the theoretical study of public space art, but also contribute a little to the improvement of the theory of public space art. It also opens up new ideas and methods for the practical creation of public space art in the future, so that the construction of public space art in our country can be further developed.
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