[Abstract]:At present, the network construction of TD-SCDMA is being carried out on a large scale in China. Because of the complex wireless environment of mobile communication, there are many different special scenarios, and the improvement of network quality is very important for these special scenarios. Therefore, how to put forward the corresponding feasibility comprehensive solution for these complicated environments and diverse scenarios has become the focus of attention. Compared with the traditional indoor structure, these special scenes have their particularity in layout and construction structure, and these areas have a large flow of people, a lot of busy traffic, high traffic density, and high requirements for the capacity and coverage of the TD-SCDMA network. At the same time, the buildings in these areas are usually large, forming a relatively closed wireless transmission environment, which has a strong shielding effect on the TD-SCDMA mobile signal, the user terminal can not be used normally, forming the blind area and shadow area of mobile communication. Because of the characteristics of dense flow and high traffic, the network construction of TD-SCDMA not only needs to solve the problem of signal coverage, but also to solve the problem of capacity. Therefore, the existing network can not meet the needs of users in hot spots, low coverage rate, low access rate, low voice quality, high drop rate and so on become outstanding network problems. This thesis is based on the actual demand of Beijing Mobile for the construction of TD-SCDMA network in hot spot area. In collaboration with each province, this paper makes a deep research on the key problems encountered in hot spot area (subway, airport, convention and exhibition center) and the actual needs perceived by users. On the basis of active innovation, the standardized solution of TD-SCDMA indoor coverage system is presented based on various technologies that can be applied by TD-SCDMA, which can support the construction of TD-SCDMA network in Beijing Mobile.
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