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发布时间:2018-10-19 19:46
【摘要】:19世纪70年代,以内燃机广泛应用和新交通工具创制为显著特征的第二次工业革命爆发,从此人类从蒸汽时代步入到电气时代。汽车、远洋渡轮、火车、飞机等新的运输方式使全球经济、文化交流更加快捷便利,成为当时推动经济发展的主要动力。进入20世纪以来,科技取代了传统意义上的资本、劳动力等生产要素,成为第一生产力,信息时代决定了产业链上的人流、物流、信息流更加活跃,充分流动才能创造价值。随着经济全球化和区域经济一体化进程的加快,航空运输以其安全快捷便利的特点在世界经济发展进程中越发凸显出重要的地位和作用。 当前,空港的内涵已从机场、航站楼、航空公司的简单迭加演变为写字楼、购物中心、大型物流基地等多元化发展的商业圈,空港经济区这一新兴的经济形态应运而生。从机场内部琳琅满目的免税商店,到以机场为中心辐射周边15至20公里区域内形成的零售店、酒店、会展中心等,机场的功能已不再局限为客货运输站,更多地发挥发展外向型经济、居民消费、商务休闲等一系列职能。随着机场的可达性条件改善、基础设施服务不断增强,空港经济区已逐渐成为城市的核心地带,区内的机场、酒店、住宅、休闲娱乐区及各种工业园区、商业园区、物流园区已成为带动城市经济发展的“发动机”和“助推器”。近些年来,根据实践经验和理论研究,国际上对于空港经济系统研究成果已基本形成,国内方面则尚处于起步阶段,尤其是空港经济建设、依托空港经济发展区域经济等多数结论属于借鉴性的“舶来品”,随着我国改革开放的不断深入,对外经济合作步伐加快,对空港经济的研究,尤其是针对全国各地经济发展所呈现的特点进行个案研究就显得更加必要和具有现实意义。 本文立足于当前中国改革开放三十年及民航高速发展这一背景,在总结国内外先进理论基础上,拟从区域经济发展战略角度,根据空港经济发展一般性战略,以昆明空港经济区建设为例,研究及探讨其发展战略。主要内容包括: 第一章、绪论。开篇阐明论文研究背景、对象、目的及意义,进一步说明发展空港经济及建设空港经济区的重要性。 第二章、整理目前国内外的研究成果,对其进行概括总结。在此基础上说明可以进一步深入研究的方面。 第三章、简要介绍区域经济发展战略,包括基本理论、特征及主要内容。为空港经济发展战略提供研究依据。 第四章、空港经济发展战略一般性研究。通过第二章的国内外研究成果、文献,对其经济特性进行总结,并阐述空港经济发展对地区经济宏观、微观方面的影响和作用;结合第三章区域发展战略理论,从而提炼出空港经济发展规律和一般性战略。 第五章、结合昆明自身特征,对昆明发展空港经济进行SWOT分析。主要介绍基本概况,发展现状、政策支持等,进行实证研究,对发展空港经济的优劣势条件进行综合分析。 第六章、根据空港经济发展的一般性战略,结合昆明本土经济特征,分析并总结出昆明空港经济发展战略,提出建设“面向东南亚、南亚空港经济强区”的战略构想及举措。 第七章、结论与不足。对论文进行总结,并指出需要进一步研究的地方。
[Abstract]:In the 1970s, the second industrial revolution marked by the widespread application of internal combustion engine and the creation of new vehicles was the outbreak of the second industrial revolution, from which human beings stepped into the electrical era from the age of steam. New modes of transportation such as cars, ocean ferries, trains, airplanes and the like make the global economy and cultural exchange more convenient and convenient, and become the main impetus for economic development at that time. Since entering the 20th century, science and technology have replaced production factors such as capital and labor force in the traditional sense, become the first productive force, the information age determines the flow of people, logistics and information flow in the industrial chain, and the full flow can create value. With the acceleration of the process of economic globalization and regional economic integration, air transport plays an important role in the process of world economic development with the characteristics of rapid and convenient transportation. At present, the connotation of air port has evolved from the simple iteration of airport, terminal and airline into commercial circle such as office building, shopping center, large logistics base and so on. The airport's functions are no longer restricted to passenger and cargo transportation stations, and more play a role in developing export-oriented economy and residents. A series of consumption, business leisure, etc. Functions: As the accessibility conditions of the airport are improved, the infrastructure services are constantly enhanced, and the Airport Economic Zone has gradually become the core area of the city, and the airports, hotels, houses, leisure and entertainment areas and various industrial parks, commercial parks and logistics parks in the district have become the driving urban economy the development of "hair dynamic Machine" and "Help push In recent years, on the basis of practical experience and theoretical research, the research achievements of the air-port economy system have been basically formed according to the practical experience and theoretical research, and domestic aspects are still in the initial stage, especially the construction of empty port economy, relying on most of the conclusions of the regional economy of empty port economy and so on. A Review of the" Lessons Learned "With the deepening of China's reform and opening-up, the pace of foreign economic cooperation is accelerated, and the research on the economy of the airport, especially the case studies on the characteristics of economic development across the country, is more necessary and realistic. This text is based on the current China's reform and opening up to 30 years and the civil aviation high-speed development this background, on the basis of summarizing the advanced theories at home and abroad, it is proposed to develop a strategy from the regional economic development strategy, according to the general strategy of the port economy development, in Kunming Airport Economy Study and Discussion on the Construction of District Its development strategy. To include: In the first chapter, the introduction is to clarify the background, object, purpose and significance of the thesis, and further illustrate the development of the empty port economy and the construction of air. The importance of the Hong Kong Economic Zone, Chapter II, the Study of the Current Domestic and Foreign Economic Zone The results are summarized and summarized. On this basis, the explanation can be made. Chapter III provides a brief introduction to the regional economic development strategy. including basic theories, features and main content. The development strategy of empty port provides the basis for research. The fourth chapter, the general research on the development strategy of the air port economy, summarizes the economic characteristics of the regional economy through the domestic and foreign research results of the second chapter, expounds the influence and role of the economic development of the air port on the macro and micro aspects of the regional economy, and combines the theory of regional development strategy in the third chapter. The law of economic development and general strategy of port-free port. Chapter 5, combined with Kunming itself The paper mainly introduces the basic situation, the development status, the policy support and so on, and carries on the empirical research. Chapter 6, on the basis of the general strategy of the economic development of the airport, combined with Kunming's local economy. Characteristics, analysis and summary of Kunming Airport Economic Development Exhibition strategy, put forward the construction" South-East Asia, South Asia Airport Strategic vision and initiatives in the Economic Zone, chap. VII, junction


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