[Abstract]:With the arrival of globalization, China has attracted the attention of many foreign companies with its good economic development momentum and strong and low cost manufacturing capability. They seek a variety of media to open up procurement, production and sales links in China, thereby reducing costs and increasing revenue. Among the many media, trade fair has the advantages of strong pertinence, high attraction and wide popularity, so the global trade fair has developed rapidly in recent years. In such an international exhibition, translators, as an indispensable group, clear up language barriers for exhibitors, so that businessmen from all over the world can communicate freely and narrow the gap between language and culture. Against this background, mice interpretation has also developed rapidly. As a professional language service, conference and exhibition interpretation should first meet the needs of customers and industries. And as a profession, should also have its own standards. The purpose of this paper is to seek for the convergence and differentiation between the two, and then to promote the perfection of the conference and exhibition interpretation service and to form the standard of the exhibition interpretation industry. The thesis first describes the history of interpretation assessment research in western countries and China, including theoretical and practical studies, and puts forward the research progress and some problems, and then expounds the characteristics of CEE interpretation. Comparing it with other types of interpretation, the thesis proposes several parameters to evaluate the quality of CEC interpretation. Then, through a carefully designed experiment, the author collected the expectations and evaluation data of interpreters and clients. Through the comparative analysis of the data, identify the gap between the interpreter and customer requirements, and seek solutions. Based on the previous research and the experiment, it is found that there are differences between the customer's needs and the interpreters' expectations on the key points, and that the conference and exhibition interpreters need to improve their translation strategies according to the clients' needs in order to achieve a better service effect. To promote the perfection of conference and exhibition interpretation service.
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