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发布时间:2018-12-30 17:55
【摘要】:2010年,万众瞩目的世博会在上海顺利召开,历时6个多月,吸引了大约200多个国家参与展览,接待海内外游客超过7300万人次,盛况空前。它让我们不用走出国门,就可以包揽世界各国文化,拉近了世界各国,各个城市之间的距离,极大地增进了世界各国的相互理解和友谊,有利于世界的和谐与稳定。作为2010年最为重要的世界性事件之一,上海世博会也吸引了两岸三地以及世界各国媒体的广泛关注。中外媒体对上海世博会的竞相报道,为本研究提供了大量的语料。 本文以中美新闻媒体对这一盛事的英文报道为语料,通过对中美两国主流媒体关于上海世博会报道的词汇进行比较和分析,探讨两国媒体在报道同一个事件时的措辞异同。为了达到这个目的,作者在中国日报和美国一些主流媒体的网站上广泛搜集英语新闻报道语料,自建了两个容量各大于四万词的观察语料库(Observed Corpus),分别命名为CCMR和CAMR,焦点内容为中美媒体对上海世博会的英文报道。此外,为确保研究的有效度和可信度,本研究利用布朗语料库(Brown Corpus)作为参考语料库(Reference Corpus),通过计算机软件WordSmith Tools, AntConc, Readability Analyzer对具体报道语料进行处理和分析。通过对中美媒体的英语新闻报道在基本信息、高频词和关键词等三个主要方面的对比分析,本研究发现:中美媒体对上海世博会的英语新闻报道的措词共性大于差异。不同之处多集中在具体词的使用方面,如词长的变化,某一个特定词的具体用法,措词的多样性等等。本文的研究发现能使非本族语者对英语新闻报道措辞特点有更深刻的了解,促进他们的二语习得和跨文化的交流;此外,也为新闻记者在英语新闻阅读和写作方面提供有益的启示;更重要的是,本研究提供了一种基于语料库的新闻报道词汇研究的新模式。 本文共分六章,第一章介绍研究的背景和文章的整体结构。第二章为文献综述,包括介绍在具体分析中需要涉及的理论。第三章为研究设计和研究方法,重点介绍研究步骤和研究工具等。第四章为研究分析和讨论,借助计算机软件对两个语料库的基本信息、高频词以及关键词等三个方面进行对比,重点分析高频词和关键词,指出两国媒体措词方面的异同;此外,对措辞的某些方面进行更具体更详细的分析,如用词词性方面的对比,以及某一个具体词的对比。在揭示两国媒体措词差异的同时,剖析了造成这些不同的原因。第五章为主要研究发现,也是对第四章内容的概括和总结。第六章为结论,指出本文的研究意义和不足之处,并提出相关研究建议。
[Abstract]:In 2010, the World Expo, which attracted more than 200 countries and received more than 73 million visitors from home and abroad, was successfully held in Shanghai for more than six months. It allows us to capture the cultures of all countries without going abroad, to draw closer the distance between countries and cities, to greatly enhance the mutual understanding and friendship of all countries, and to benefit the harmony and stability of the world. As one of the most important world events in 2010, the Shanghai World Expo has attracted wide attention from the media of the two sides of the Taiwan Strait and the rest of the world. The competitive coverage of Shanghai World Expo by Chinese and foreign media provides a lot of language materials for this study. Based on the English report of the event by Chinese and American news media, this paper compares and analyzes the vocabulary of the major media of China and the United States about the Shanghai World Expo, and probes into the similarities and differences in the wording of the two countries' media reports on the same event. In order to achieve this goal, the author has extensively collected English news reports on the websites of China Daily and some mainstream media in the United States, and has built two observation corpora, (Observed Corpus), with a capacity of more than 40,000 words each, named CCMR and CAMR, respectively. The focus is on the English coverage of the Shanghai World Expo by Chinese and American media. In addition, in order to ensure the validity and reliability of the study, we use the Brownian Corpus (Brown Corpus) as the reference Corpus (Reference Corpus), to process and analyze the specific report corpus through the computer software WordSmith Tools, AntConc, Readability Analyzer. Based on the comparative analysis of the three main aspects of English news reports in Chinese and American media, such as basic information, high-frequency words and keywords, it is found that Chinese and American media have more common wordings than differences in English news coverage of Shanghai World Expo. The differences mainly focus on the use of specific words, such as the length of words, the specific use of a particular word, the diversity of words and so on. The findings of this study can help non-native speakers to have a better understanding of the features of English news reports and promote their second language acquisition and cross-cultural communication. In addition, it also provides a useful inspiration for journalists in English news reading and writing. More importantly, the present study provides a new corpus-based model for the study of news reporting vocabulary. This paper is divided into six chapters, the first chapter introduces the background of the study and the overall structure of the article. The second chapter is a literature review, including the introduction of the theory involved in the specific analysis. The third chapter is the research design and research methods, focusing on the research steps and research tools. The fourth chapter is the research and analysis, with the help of computer software to compare the basic information, high-frequency words and keywords of the two corpora, focusing on the analysis of high-frequency words and keywords, pointing out the similarities and differences between the two countries in terms of media; In addition, some aspects of the wording of more specific and more detailed analysis, such as the comparison of words, as well as a specific word contrast. At the same time, it analyzes the reasons for these differences. The fifth chapter is the main research findings, but also the summary and summary of the fourth chapter. The sixth chapter is the conclusion, points out the significance and deficiency of this paper, and puts forward the relevant research suggestions.


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