[Abstract]:On March 19, 2014, the Chinese style Moyun-Li Keran and Pengcheng School of Fine Arts Exhibition opened in the Art Museum of China. The exhibition is sponsored by the Xuzhou Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Xuzhou Municipal people's Government, the Department of Culture of Jiangsu Province, the Jiangsu Federation of Literary and artistic circles, the Li Keran Art Foundation, the Beijing Pengcheng Han Culture and Art Exchange Center, and the propaganda Department of the Xuzhou Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China. Xuzhou Municipal Bureau of Wen Guangxin, Xuzhou Federation of Literary and artistic circles, Xuzhou newspaper Media Group, Xuzhou Radio and Television Media Group undertake. This is the second large-scale exhibition held by the CPC Xuzhou Municipal Committee and the municipal government on the basis of the successful exhibition of calligraphy and painting works of the painting School of Li Keran and Pengcheng held in the Jiangsu Provincial Art Museum in October last year. Zhang Huaixi, former Vice Chairman of the CPPCC National Committee, Sun Jiazheng, President of the China Federation of Arts and Art, Wang Wen, President of the Chinese Academy of Arts
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