本文关键词:通货膨胀环境下的银行理财产品风险分析与管理 出处:《天津财经大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:2010年以来,我国CPI持续攀升,资本市场面临更加复杂的局面。近年来,银行理财产品市场呈现出发行数量爆发式增长,短期超短期、挂钩类和另类投资等高收益抗通胀产品层出不穷的局面。然而随着产品的相继到期,理财产品零收益、负收益、展期、巨额亏损等丑闻不断爆出,银行理财产品市场快速发展背后所隐藏的巨大风险成为了公众关注的焦点。研究通货膨胀环境下,银行理财产品市场风险分析和管理显得十分必要。 首先,本文通过对理财产品设计要素和分类的阐述,分析了基于通货膨胀的银行理财产品的发展现状,并进一步分析了通货膨胀对银行理财产品市场的有利和不利影响。一方面,股市低迷、楼市调控,资本市场流动性泛滥,推动了通货膨胀的恶化。另一方面,“负利率”和紧缩性货币政策,刺激了居民财富保值增值和银行争夺存款的需求。在市场和监管的双重压力下,银行将理财产品作为变相揽存的利器,加大了高收益产品的开发力度,以迎合公众抗通胀的投资需求。通货膨胀在一定程度上刺激了银行理财产品市场的快速发展,但所带来的风险冲击也是不容忽视的。 其次,本文在全面分析银行理财产品业务和投资者所面临风险结构的基础上,深入剖析了通货膨胀通过资本市场、实体经济和货币政策等风险传导路径,形成对银行理财产品市场的风险冲击。 最后,本文针对目前我国银行理财产品市场的风险表现和管理现状,从银行和监管当局的角度研究如何及时有效地处理好通货膨胀环境下银行理财产品市场遇到的风险问题。分别提出了加强银行全面风险管理文化建设,防范系统性风险的全面爆发,和建立以投资者保护为中心的银行理财产品监管制度,适当引入独立第三方评价体系的风险管理对策,对推动我国银行理财产品市场健康、有序的发展具有重大的现实意义。
[Abstract]:Since 2010, China's CPI continues to climb, the capital market is facing a more complex situation. In recent years, the banking financial products market has shown a explosive increase in the number of issuance, short-term ultra-short-term. High-yield anti-inflation products such as hooks and alternative investments emerge in endlessly. However, with the expiration of products, financial products zero income, negative income, extension, huge losses and other scandals continue to burst. The huge risks hidden behind the rapid development of banking financial products market have become the focus of public attention. It is necessary to study the market risk analysis and management of banking financial products under the environment of inflation. First of all, through the design elements and classification of financial products, this paper analyzes the current situation of the development of bank financial products based on inflation. On the one hand, the stock market is depressed, the real estate regulation and control, capital market liquidity flooding, promote the deterioration of inflation on the other hand. "negative interest rate" and contractionary monetary policy have stimulated residents' wealth preservation and appreciation and banks' demand for deposits. Under the double pressure of market and regulation, banks take financial products as a weapon to capture deposits in disguise. Increased development of high-yield products to meet the public anti-inflation investment demand, inflation to a certain extent to stimulate the rapid development of banking financial products market. However, the impact of the risk is not to be ignored. Secondly, based on the comprehensive analysis of the banking financial products business and the risk structure faced by investors, this paper deeply analyzes the risk transmission path of inflation through the capital market, real economy and monetary policy. The formation of the banking financial products market risk impact. Finally, this paper aims at the risk performance and management status of the banking financial products market in China. From the perspective of banks and regulatory authorities, this paper studies how to deal with the risks in the banking financial products market in a timely and effective manner under the environment of inflation, and puts forward separately to strengthen the construction of a comprehensive risk management culture in banks. To prevent the overall outbreak of systemic risk, and to establish a regulatory system of banking financial management products centered on investor protection, and appropriately introduce the risk management countermeasures of independent third-party evaluation system. It is of great practical significance to promote the healthy and orderly development of banking financial products market in China.
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