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  本文关键词:日本银行业国际竞争力变化研究 出处:《吉林大学》2012年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 日本银行业 国际竞争力 不良债权 特许权价值 治理结构 政府作用

【摘要】:1955年日本进入经济高速增长时期,从1955年至1973年,年均实际经济增长率高达9.3%,在1968年其经济总量超过原联邦德国,成为仅次于美国的资本主义世界第二经济大国。伴随着经济的高速增长,日本银行业国际竞争力也奠定了雄厚的资本基础。20世纪80年代金融自由化和金融全球化日益发展,日本在金融领域逐步放松一些规制促进了其金融国际化的发展。日本金融机构开始大举进入海外,促使东京国际金融市场的地位大大提高,日元走向国际化。1986年末,日本商业银行的海外资产已占其资产总额的20%,国际业务收入占总收入的比重达到了22%。整个20世纪80年代,日本银行业全行业实现大规模盈利;全球银行产业的利润主要来自日本银行,这让欧美竞争对手望尘莫及。 20世纪90年代初“泡沫经济”崩溃,日本经济陷入了长期萧条。但是,,国际银行业掀起的并购浪潮促使日本银行业在这次变革中规模更加扩大。1992年,排在世界前九位的商业银行均为日本所有,世界前五十家商业银行中也有近一半(22家)是日本的银行。1994年,日本银行业在这两项中所占位置有所减少,但世界前六大商业银行仍为日本所有;在全世界银行业总资产中,日本占了近40%。 1995年“住专事件”这一导火索暴露了日本银行业的巨额不良债权问题,日本银行业的国际竞争力由此急转直下。从1992年至2002年这10年间,日本的银行已处理了大约90万亿日元左右的不良债权,这一数额己达到20世纪80年代后半期日本经济“泡沫”繁荣时银行所增加贷款额的80%。“泡沫经济”崩溃使得日本银行业累积了巨额不良债权,日本银行业国际竞争力大幅削弱,将日本经济拖入了长期萧条泥潭而难以自拔。日本金融当局并没有从1997~1998年东南亚金融危机和1998年日本“金融大爆炸”之中切实理清日本银行业危机的深层原因,始终在制度疲劳和制度惯性形成的路径依赖以及政府作用之间找寻解决出口。这种牵制作用体现在政府出台的各种处理措施、改革方案和政策对策方面都不能取得预期的效果,最终拖延了时间和贻误了最佳时机,使得日本银行业国际竞争力一蹶不振。2008年国际金融危机以及随后延伸演化且日趋恶化的欧洲主权债务危机,使得日本政府疲于应对外部冲击而相应推迟了国内的改革,这也阻碍了日本银行业国际竞争力的提升。通过梳理日本银行业的形成与发展历程,可以从中找寻出其国际竞争力兴替的演化路径、深层原因和生成机制,这对于中国金融深化进程中提升商业银行国际竞争力、防范金融风险和维护国家金融安全具有重要的战略意义。 本文分为7章。第1章为导论。本章主要论述选题的理论意义和现实意义,并在此基础上梳理和评述相关国内外文献,而后进一步探讨论文的逻辑结构和主要研究方法,最后指出本文的创新和不足之处。 第2章为银行业国际竞争力理论及其评价标准。本章首先介绍银行业国际竞争力及其相关理论,然后阐述银行业国际竞争力的评价标准,最后介绍银行业国际竞争力的评价体系。 第3章为日本银行业国际竞争力形成与发展的历史变迁。本章日本银行业国际竞争力的发展变化划分为由弱变强和由强变弱两个演变阶段进行详细梳理。在日本银行业国际竞争力由弱变强的演变中,文章进一步从经济萌芽和起飞时期(1955年以前)、经济高速增长时期(1955~1973年)和经济低速或稳定增长时期(1974~1985年)三个阶段分别进行展开;在日本银行业国际竞争力由强变弱的演变中,文章进一步从泡沫经济时期(1986~1990年)和经济长期萧条时期(1991年~至今)两个典型阶段展开论述。 第4章为导致20世纪90年代中期以来日本银行业国际竞争力变化的宏观动因。本章从国际环境和国内环境两大方面进行分析:在国际环境分析方面,主要围绕跨国并购浪潮高涨、国际资本流动规模急剧膨胀、全球经济失衡与金融危机和新资本协议四个方面进行详细论述;在国内环境分析方面,主要集中在国内生产总值(GDP)增长率下降、流动性陷阱和量化宽松政策、日元持续升值和“住专事件”五个方面进行展开。 第5章为导致20世纪90年代中期以来日本银行业国际竞争力变化的微观动因。本章论述导致日本银行业国际竞争力下降的银行自身原因,这一部分主要从银行特许权价值、治理结构、内部控制和审计监管四个方面展开论述。 第6章为导致20世纪90年代中期以来日本银行业国际竞争力削弱的生成机制。本章将日本银行业国际竞争力削弱的生成机制归结为两大方面:一是制度疲劳和制度惯性形成的制度僵化“硬约束”;二是政府作用弱化形成的“软约束”。“硬约束”体现了制度变迁所具有的路径依赖属性,制度惯性和制度疲劳使得日本银行业和企业之间的利益纽带难以割舍,这样会增加银行不良资产的存量积累;“软约束”体现了政府在经济中主导作用的弱化,从“政府主导型经济”转向“市场主导型经济”过程中原来经济鼎盛时期的强政府作用被经济萧条时期的弱政府作用所替代,这样在处理银行业巨额不良资产等重大问题上极易贻误时机而陷入恶性循环泥潭难于自拔。 第7章为结论和启示。本文的结论归结为三个方面:(1)日本银行业国际竞争力的兴衰变化反映了日本经济从高速增长、泡沫经济转向长期萧条的内生演化路径;(2)日本银行业国际竞争力的兴衰变化具有深刻的宏观动因和微观动因;(3)制度僵化和政府作用弱化共同促成20世纪90年代中期以来日本银行业国际竞争力由盛及衰的变化。日本银行业国际竞争力的兴衰变化对于中国银行业的发展具有重要的启示:(1)实施基于Basel III的新资本监管标准,增强中国银行体系的稳健性和风险可控性;(2)构建价值创造导向的商业银行内部控制体系;(3)强化商业银行内部控制与内部审计的互动;(4)信息披露与外部监管的强化约束有助于夯实中国银行业国际竞争力的基础。
[Abstract]:In 1955, Japan entered a period of rapid economic growth, from 1955 to 1973, the actual average annual economic growth rate of 9.3% in 1968, its total economic output more than the former Federal Republic of Germany, after the United States to become the world's second largest economy of capitalism. With the rapid growth of economy, the international competitiveness of the banking industry has laid a solid foundation of capital.20 century in 80s, financial liberalization and financial globalization, Japan in the field of finance gradually relaxed regulation and promote the development of the financial internationalization. Japanese financial institutions began to make inroads into overseas, Tokyo international financial market is greatly improved, the internationalization of the yen at the end of.1986, Japan's commercial banks overseas assets accounted for 20% of the total assets of the international business income, the proportion of total revenue reached 22%. in 1980s, the Japanese banking industry is big The size of the profit; the global banking industry profits mainly from the Bank of Japan, Europe and the United States which allow competitors to catch up.
At the beginning of the 1990s collapse of the "bubble economy", the Japanese economy into a long-term depression. However, the international banking industry set off a wave of mergers and acquisitions prompted Japanese banks in this change in scale expands.1992 years, ranked in the world top nine commercial banks are all of Japan, the world's top fifty banks have nearly half (22) the Bank of Japan is.1994 years, Japanese banks have accounted for two of the decline in the position, but the world's top six commercial banks is still all of Japan; in the total assets of the world bank, Japan accounted for nearly 40%.
1995 "live ad event" the fuse has exposed the bad debt problem of Japanese banking industry, international competitiveness of Japanese banking industry. Thus from this a sudden turn for the worse 10 years from 1992 to 2002, the Bank of Japan has handled about 90 trillion yen. The amount of non-performing loans has reached the second half of 1980s the Japanese economy "bubble" boom banks increase the amount of loans 80%. "bubble economy" collapse caused by Japanese banks accumulated bad debt, the international competitiveness of Japanese banks sharply weakened, the Japanese economy into a long-term recession mire and unable to extricate themselves. Japan's financial authorities have deep reasons from the 1997 to the Southeast Asian financial crisis in 1998 and 1998 in Japan "financial the big bang" to sort out the Japanese banking crisis, always in the path of institutional and institutional inertia dependence on fatigue and The role of government for export. This solution between the role reflected in various treatment measures introduced by the government, the reform plan and policy measures can not achieve the desired results, the final delay time and the best time for delay, the international competitiveness of Japanese banking Yijuebuzhen.2008 international financial crisis and the subsequent evolution and extension of deterioration the European sovereign debt crisis, the Japanese government struggling to cope with external shocks and delayed the domestic reform, it also hinders the international competitiveness of Japanese banking industry promotion. Through the formation and development of the carding of the Japanese banks, can find out the evolution path of the international competitiveness of the rise and fall in the deep reason and formation mechanism this is to enhance the international competitiveness of commercial banks Chinese financial deepening process, prevent financial risks and safeguard national financial security is important The strategic significance.
This paper is divided into 7 chapters. The first chapter is introduction. This chapter mainly discusses the theoretical significance and practical significance of the topics, and on the basis of combing and reviewing the related literature at home and abroad, and then further explore the logical structure and the main research methods of this paper, finally pointed out the innovation and deficiencies.
The second chapter is the theory and evaluation standard of international competitiveness of banking industry. This chapter first introduces the international competitiveness and related theories of banking industry, then expounds the evaluation criteria of international competitiveness of banking industry, and finally introduces the evaluation system of international competitiveness of banking industry.
The third chapter is the history of the formation and development of the international competitiveness of Japanese banking industry. The development and change of international competitiveness this chapter divided the Japanese banking industry from weak to strong and from strong to weak in two stages. In the detailed combing the international competitiveness of Japanese banking industry from weak to strong in the evolution of the economy, further from the bud and take off the period (before 1955), the rapid economic growth period (1955 ~ 1973) and low economic or stable growth period (1974 ~ 1985) in three phases; in the international competitiveness of Japanese banking industry from strong to weak in the evolution, the article further from the bubble economy period (1986 ~ 1990) and long-term economic depression (1991 ~) two typical stages are discussed.
The fourth chapter is to change the macro international competitiveness of Japanese banking industry since the mid 1990s. This chapter from the international and domestic environment two aspects: analysis of the international environmental analysis, mainly focus on the transnational merger tide, the scale of international capital flows swelling, four aspects of global economic imbalances and financial crisis and new capital the protocol in detail; in the aspect of domestic environmental analysis, mainly concentrated in the gross domestic product (GDP) growth rate decline, liquidity trap and quantitative easing, the continued appreciation of the yen and the "living" five aspects.
The fifth chapter is to the microscopic change of the international competitiveness of Japanese banking industry since the mid 1990s. This chapter leads to the decline of international competitiveness of Japan Bank for their own reasons, this part is mainly from the bank franchise value, corporate governance structure, discusses the four aspects of internal control and audit supervision.
The sixth chapter is the lead generation mechanism since the mid 1990s the international competitiveness of Japanese banks weakened. This chapter summed up the formation mechanism of weakening the international competitiveness of Japanese banking industry to two aspects: one is the system of fatigue and the inertia of the system formed by the rigid "hard constraints"; the two is the government weakened the formation of "soft constraints". "Hard constraints" reflects the path of institutional change is the dependency of attributes, the inertia of the system and the system makes the Japanese banking and fatigue between the interests of the enterprise bond to break away, it will increase the stock of non-performing assets accumulated; "soft constraints" reflects the weakening of the government's leading role in the economy, from "government oriented economy" to "strong government role of the original economic heyday of the market oriented economy" is in the process of economic depression and weak government during the period of replacement, so at The major problems of banking huge non-performing assets and so on is very easy to fall into the quagmire of vicious spiral bungle opportunity is difficult to extricate themselves.
The seventh chapter is the conclusion and enlightenment. The conclusion of this paper summarized into three aspects: (1) the rise and fall of changes in the international competitiveness of Japanese banking industry reflects the Japanese bubble economy from economic growth, to long-term depression of the endogenous evolution path; (2) the international competitiveness of Japanese banking industry's prosperity and decline with the macro and micro causes of change deep; (3) rigid system and contribute to weakening the role of government since the mid 1990s the international competitiveness of Japanese banks by the change of prosperity and decline. It has important enlightenment and changes in the international competitiveness of Japanese banking industry for the development of Chinese Banking: (1) the implementation of Basel III based on the new regulatory capital standards, and enhance robustness controllable risk Chinese banking system; (2) the internal control system construction of value creation oriented commercial banks; (3) strengthen the commercial bank internal control and internal audit each other (4) the strengthening constraints of information disclosure and external supervision can help to consolidate the international competitiveness of China's banking industry.



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