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发布时间:2018-01-13 11:08

  本文关键词:中国商业银行战略群与技术效率研究 出处:《西南财经大学》2012年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 中国商业银行 战略群 技术效率 聚类分析 数据包络分析

【摘要】:2006年-2010年,为迎接银行业市场全面向外资银行开放,我国银行业市场发生了重要的变化,银行系统围绕着从公司治理、发展战略、经营理念、激励约束机制多个层面寻求突破。“战略转型”被众多商业银行提出,作为的战略目标。特别是,金融危机后新巴塞尔协议和中国银监会推出的《商业银行资本管理办法(试行)》提高了商业银行的风险资本要求,国内商业银行战略转型的呼声更高,转变增长方式、降低资本占用较高的业务、发展资本集约型业务,已成为中国银行业当前的共识。我国商业银行刚刚建立现代银行体系不久,战略管理滞后,银行同质化竞争、产品服务差异化不足、中小股份制商业银行战略定位迷茫、城商行不知未来何去何从,种种问题几乎是国内银行业给公众广泛的直观印象,也多是公开的热点问题。 本文关注的是,继我国商业银行业改制、引入战略投资者和战略转型等一系列重要举措过后,我国银行的发展战略是同质还是异质?采用哪一种战略的银行做得好?战略的选择能够预测一定的效率水平吗?换言之,我国银行业内部是否存在若干奉行不同的战略的战略群?银行是否仍然存在战略同质化、产品和服务同质化的问题?商业银行除了国有、股份制、区域性银行这样的标签,是否就没有其他差别呢?为了解开这些疑问,论文以战略群理论为依据,分析我国银行业市场的结构,并尝试检验商业银行战略类型与银行效率之间的关系,以及商业银行战略改变或者战略转型将会对银行效率产生的影响。 论文含绪论共分为八章,每章的主要内容是: 第一章:绪论,主要内容是介绍论文的选题意义以及相关研究的现状,通过研究背景的介绍说明研究商业银行战略群以及检验战略群与效率之间关系的意义。绪论同时说明了论文研究的基本逻辑思路,即将规范分析和实证分析相结合,首先依据理论提出研究假设和研究框架,然后一步步通过实证分析证明待检验命题是否成立或成立的条件。绪论部分的结束部分汇报论文的不足与创新之处。 第二章:理论基础,主要内容是梳理论文研究依据的基础理论,通过概念的演绎和比较,界定论文最终引用或依据的具体理论。首先,通过战略理论发展的回顾,本文将战略理解为一个企业或组织为了达成组织愿景而作出的关于整个组织的经营结构、资源配置结构、产品或服务结构和目标市场结构的长期规划,即综合了Gerry Johnson和Kevan Scholes的公司层战略和企业层战略的内容,包括企业融资、资源配置、客户结构、产品结构等方面。其次,通过战略群理论的梳理,本文确定了将基于产业经济视角理解战略群,而不是从企业认知视角界定和解释战略群,尽管后者也存在合理性。同时,关于战略群分析技术的比较,本文将选取多个关键战略变量采用多元统计分析划分我国商业银行战略群,具体的分析过程将会运用因子分析和聚类分析等技术。再次,通过效率和银行效率的理论回顾和文献综述,明确指出本文所指的银行技术效率是一种前沿效率,前沿效率的好处在于能够综合反映商业银行的财务和经营绩效,并且能够进一步分解得到更多的发现。基于研究目的的需要,论文将选择使用采用数据包络分析(DEA)方法评测我国银行的技术效率。关于效率的文献综述表明恰当选择前沿效率评价指标的重要性。 本章最后综述了战略群与企业绩效的关系,尤其是战略群之间是否稳定地表现出经营绩效的差异,这是一个非常吸引人的研究题目。然而,大量的实证分析表明,战略群与经营绩效之间不存在确定的映射关系,虽然许多实证分析战略群之间的绩效差异化显著。通过本章的梳理,明确论文的研究目的和任务,即将通过实证分析探讨和检验:一、我国银行业是否存在战略群,若存在战略群,则不同战略群的关键战略变量必须呈现显著性差异;二、若存在战略群,则战略群类型和银行效率是否存在稳定的联系,如果存在,则表明我们银行业存在着内部的移动壁垒,这些内部的移动壁垒保证了每个战略群获得差异化的稳定的期望绩效,不同绩效水平的战略群共同构成了银行业的生态系统。 第三章:分析框架,主要内容是是论文研究的主要概念和主要方法的定义和选择以及研究框架的基本描述,统领以后章节的实证分析逻辑和方法。本章首先辟清本文所指的战略群概念基于产业经济理论,并非基于认知视角的战略群概念,战略群的界定采用波特(1979)和YamiBenavent (2000)关于战略群的定义,战略群的分析思路即选择关键战略变量,利用多元统计分析方法划分战略群。 本章提出战略变量的选择将基于战略和战略群的内涵,包含商业银行的三个战略方面的内容,即资产战略(投资战略)、负债战略(融资战略)、收入战略,具体战略变量依据商业银行资产负债表和利润表构建,最终采用凝聚算法的层次聚类分析划分战略群。 本章界定了技术效率的内涵和分解采用Farrell的定义,评价方法采用数据包络分析的CCR和BCC模型,关于技术效率的变化则使用Malmquist指数度量。本章认为技术效率评价指标的选择非常重要,通过比较常用的六种投入产出指标选择方法,提出应当根据现代商业银行的经营现实结合生产法选择银行投入产出指标,最终确定商业银行的投入要素是核心资本、人力资本和管理费用,但受到数据可得性的限制,评价技术效率的投入指标最终是核心资本净额、业务及管理费(含员工薪酬);产出指标则是传统存贷款业务和部分资金业务创造的净利息收入,和中间业务创造的手续费及佣金收入,后者几乎构成了非利息收入的全部。 本章的第三部分提出关于战略群与效率之间的关系的两个假设性命题,第一个命题是商业银行战略群之间绩效异质性,战略群内部绩效同质性,第二个命题是商业银行的战略转型(表现为战略群转换)会导致商业银行效率下降。当然,实证部分同时将检验资本充足水平、贷款质量是否会影响商业银行的效率。 第四章:战略群分析,本章依据第三章定义的商业银行战略变量,利用银行年报整理得到样本银行战略变量的面板数据集,然后使用主成分分析和因子分析从众多战略变量中抽取更显著的少数变量,降低战略变量的维度,最终采用聚类分析发现我国银行业确实存在四个战略群。依据每个战略群关于因子的得分归纳总结不同战略群的主要特征,最后将四个战略群分别命名为:传统银行战略群(以中信银行为代表)、多元银行战略群(福州银行为代表)、领先银行战略群(以工商银行为代表)、特色银行战略群(以兴业银行为代表)。 本章实证分析的创新包括三个方面:一是采用混合数据进行聚类分析,能够考察战略结构的动态变化;二是实证分析揭示我国商业银行业存在四个各有特点的战略群,并根据战略变量的特征为之命名。 第五章:技术效率评价,本章依据第三章定义的商业银行投入产出指标体系,利用银行年报整理得到评价我国商业银行效率的投入产出变量的面板数据集,然后使用Deap软件评价了我国代表性商业银行2006-2010年的技术效率(包括纯技术效率和规模效率以及效率的Malmquist指数)。技术效率的评价结果表明,我国银行业的技术效率、纯技术效率和规模效率的平均值分别约为0.90、0.93、0.96,且国有控股大型商业银行的效率值高于普通股份制商业银行;Malmquist指数的分析表明,2006-2010年我国银行业的技术效率、纯技术效率、规模效率、生产技术变化和全要素生产率都呈提高趋势,大型商业银行持续的生产技术进步推动了大型商业银行的全要素生产率持续提高,也是确保我国银行业全要素生产率提高的主要动力。然而,除了生产技术的Malmquist指数外,国有控股大型商业银行的效率Malmquist指数没有明显地高于普通股份制商业银行。 本章的创新点是评价商业银行技术效率的投入产出指标的选择,较好地抓住了商业银行运营的核心。现代的商业银行是一个提供多元金融服务的投融资中介,吸储放贷是商业银行最原始的业务,不是商业银行的全部。当前国际和国内银行监管部门都提高了资本充足率的监管要求,战略转型是商业银行的必然选择,商业银行将努力控制贷款等资本占用高的传统业务,寻找一条资本集约化使用的道路。 第六章:实证分析商业银行战略群与银行效率的关系。本章是论文的重点部分。本章的工作包括两个部分:一是静态分析商业银行战略群类型与技术效率之间的关系,即通过实证分析,检验我国商业银行不同的战略群之问的技术效率以及技术效率的变化趋势是否存在显著差异;二是,从动态的视角,检验商业银行战略群转换是否会影响技术效率和全要素生产率的变化趋势,即战略群转换对技术效率和全要素生产率Malmquist指数的影响是否显著。实证研究发现,商业银行的战略群类型是银行技术效率的显著性影响因素,不同战略群的效率分布差异显著,同时,商业银行从一个战略群向另一个战略群的转换会降低商业银行的技术效率进步,会妨碍商业银行生产技术的改进,最终影响全要素生产率的提高。 本章同时检查了商业银行资产质量和核心资本充足率对于商业银行技术效率及其动态变化的影响。研究发现资产质量与商业银行技术效率当期之间的联系不显著,但是资产质量的变化会影响商业银行技术效率和规模效率的改进,最终影响全要素生产率的变化。核心资本充足率和商业银行技术效率之间存在显著的联系,核心资本充足率会降低当期的技术效率、纯技术效率和规模效率,但是提高核心充足资本不会显著影响全要素生产率的改进。 第七章:案例分析,该部分内容分别以典型银行中国工商银行和兴业银行为例,分析了领先性银行和特色性银行的战略内容,并结合实际数据分析两家典型银行的战略执行度。按照战略群划分,中国工商银行和兴业银行分属于领先银行战略群和典型银行战略群,但两家银行的共性是,2006-2010年没有发生过一次战略群转换。数据分析表明,中国工商银行和兴业银行都切实地—以贯之地执行了公司的战略,最终取得不凡的银行绩效。 第八章:总结论文。该部分总结了论文所做的全部工作,梳理了论文得到的全部结论,并最后提出一些研究启示。 论文的创新之处有: 1.本文是国内第一篇研究我国商业银行战略群以及检验银行业战略与效率的博士学位论文,论文通过实证分析发现了我国银行业存在的四类战略群,总结了每一战略群的战略特征并命名。论文的研究将有助于理解我国银行业的产业结构,有助于指导商业银行更科学地制定战略转型或同业竞争策略。 2.本文将战略群分析与前沿效率分析相结合,使用前沿技术效率取代利润率衡量绩效,检验战略群类型与技术效率、纯技术效率、规模效率的关系,极大地拓展了战略群与绩效的关系研究,根据最新的一次文献检索,目前还发现类似的研究。 3.依靠技术效率的Malmquist指数,建立战略群转换与效率变化的联系,将战略群与绩效的关系的静态考察推向动态分析,是关于战略群动态研究的一项有意义的创新和探索。 4.关于商业银行战略变量和投入产出指标的选择,是论文基于先前研究文献所作的创新,变量和指标既符合相关理论,又比较切合现代商业银行的战略方面和经营活动特征,是相关研究领域的有益创新和进展。
[Abstract]:In 2006 -2010, to meet the banking market fully open to foreign banks, great changes have taken place in China's banking market, the banking system around from corporate governance, development strategy, business philosophy, multiple levels of incentive and restraint mechanism to seek a breakthrough. The strategy of "transformation" was put forward in many commercial banks, as a strategic goal. In particular, the commercial bank capital management after the financial crisis, the Basel agreement and the China CBRC launched "(Trial) > increases the risk of commercial bank capital requirements, domestic commercial banks strategic transformation calls for more, change the mode of growth, reduce the capital occupied higher business development, capital intensive business, has become a consensus China banking at present. China's commercial banks has just set up a modern banking system soon, bank strategic management lag, the homogenization of competition, lack of differentiated products and services, small and medium-sized joint-stock The strategic orientation of commercial banks is confused, and city business banks do not know where to go in the future. All kinds of problems are almost the widespread impression of the domestic banking industry to the public, but also the open hot issues.
This paper is concerned, following the restructuring of China's commercial banking industry, after a series of important initiatives to introduce strategic investors and strategic transformation, the development strategy of China's banks is homogenous or heterogeneous? What kind of strategic banks do well? Strategy can predict the efficiency of a certain level? In other words, our internal banking industry exists some pursue different strategic strategic groups? Whether the bank still has strategic homogenization, homogenization of products and services of commercial banks? In addition to state-owned, joint-stock, label regional banks that, whether there is no other difference? In order to solve these questions, based on the strategic group based on the theory analysis, the structure of China's banking market, and try to examine the relationship between commercial bank strategy types and the efficiency of the bank, and the commercial bank strategic change or strategic transformation will be on the bank efficiency The impact of it.
The thesis is divided into eight chapters. The main contents of each chapter are as follows:
The first chapter: introduction, the main content is introduced the significance of the topic and related research, through the introduction of the background of the strategic group of commercial banks and the relationship between test group and the strategic significance of efficiency. The introduction also explains the basic logic of this thesis, the combination of normative analysis and empirical analysis, firstly based on the theory of put forward the research hypothesis and research framework, and then step by step through the empirical analysis to prove proposition or test conditions. The introduction part of the end part of the report and lack of innovation.
The second chapter: the theoretical basis, the main content is the basic theory study on the basis of combing the thesis, through the deduction and comparison of the concept, definition of specific theory or final reference basis. First, through reviewing the development of strategic theory, the strategic understanding for a company or organization management structure of the organization in order to achieve organizational vision make the resource allocation structure, long-term planning of the product or service structure and target market structure, which combines Gerry Johnson and Kevan Scholes of the corporate strategy and content of enterprise strategy, including enterprise financing, resource allocation, customer structure, product structure and so on. Secondly, through the strategic group theory. In this paper, from the perspective of industrial clusters based on strategic economic understanding, rather than from the cognitive perspective of defining and explaining the strategy of enterprise groups, although the latter is reasonable. At the same time, a strategy Comparison of cluster analysis technology, this paper will select a number of key strategic variable analysis division of China's commercial banks strategic groups using multivariate statistical analysis, the specific process will use factor analysis and cluster analysis technology. Thirdly, through efficiency and bank efficiency theory review and literature review, clearly pointed out that the technical efficiency of the banks is a kind of efficiency frontier, frontier efficiency benefits is to reflect the financial and operating performance of commercial banks, and can be further decomposed more. The purpose of the study is based on the paper will choose to use the data envelopment analysis (DEA) method to evaluate technical efficiency of the banks in China. The literature review about the efficiency of that right the importance of choosing the evaluation index of frontier efficiency.
At the end of this chapter summarizes the relationship between strategic groups and business performance, especially the strategic group between the stable show differences in performance, this is a very attractive research topic. However, a lot of empirical analysis shows that there is a certain mapping relation between strategic groups and performance, although many empirical analysis of performance differences between strategic groups significantly. Through this chapter combing, clear the research goal and task, is through empirical analysis to explore and test: first, China's banking industry is the strategic group, if there is a key strategic variable strategy group, different strategic groups must show significant difference; two. If there is a strategic strategic group, group type and bank efficiency of the existence of a stable relationship, if it exists, is that we have the mobile banking internal barriers, these internal mobility barriers to ensure that every The strategic group has a stable and stable expected performance, and the strategic groups with different performance levels constitute the ecosystem of the banking industry.
The third chapter: the analysis framework is the main content is the basic description of the definition and selection of the main concepts and research framework of the thesis and the main method, and the later chapters of the empirical analysis and logical method. This chapter first cleared the concept of strategic group based on industrial economic theory, not strategic group concept from a cognitive perspective based on the strategic group defined by Potter (1979) and YamiBenavent (2000) definition of strategic group analysis, ideas of strategic group selection key strategic variable, using analysis method of multivariate statistical classification strategy.
This chapter presents the strategic variable selection will be based on the connotation of strategy and strategy group, the three strategy includes the contents of the commercial banks, namely the strategic asset (investment strategy), debt strategy (financing strategy), revenue strategy, specific strategic variables based on commercial bank balance sheet and income statement construction, finally adopted strategic analysis division group hierarchical clustering algorithm of cohesion.
This chapter defines the connotation of technical efficiency and the decomposition of the Farrell definition, evaluation method using CCR and BCC model of data envelopment analysis, variation of technical efficiency is the use of Malmquist index measurement. This chapter thinks that the technical efficiency evaluation index selection is very important, by comparing the six kinds of commonly used input-output index selection method is proposed. According to the modern commercial bank management reality production method to choose the bank input and output indicators, and ultimately determine the input factors of commercial banks is the core capital, human capital and management fees, but by the availability of data, input indicators technical efficiency evaluation is ultimately the net core capital, business and management fees (including staff salaries); output indicator is the net interest income of traditional deposit and loan business and money creation, fee and commission income and intermediate business creation, after People almost make up all of the non - interest income.
The third part of this chapter is put forward on the relationship between strategic groups and the efficiency of the two hypothetical proposition, the first proposition is between the commercial bank strategic performance heterogeneity, strategic group internal performance homogeneity, proposition second is the strategic transformation of commercial banks (for strategic conversion) will lead to the decline of the efficiency of commercial banks. At the same time, the empirical part will test the level of capital adequacy, the loan quality will affect the efficiency of commercial banks.
The fourth chapter: strategic group analysis, this chapter on the basis of the third chapter the definition of commercial bank strategic variables, using panel data from the annual report of the bank consolidation strategy variable sample bank set, then principal component analysis and factor analysis using the extraction more significant minority from many strategic variables in the variable, variable dimension reduction strategy, finally using cluster analysis found that China's banking industry there are four strategic groups. Based on the score of each group on the strategic factor of the main features of inductive summary of different strategic groups, the four strategic groups were named as: the traditional banking strategy group (CITIC Bank as the representative), multi bank strategy group (Fuzhou bank as the representative), leading the bank's strategic group (industrial and Commercial Bank of China as the representative), the characteristics of banking strategy group (with the bank as the representative).
The innovation of the empirical analysis includes three aspects: one is the clustering analysis by using mixed data to examine the dynamic changes of strategic structure; two is the empirical analysis reveals that China's commercial banking industry has four different characteristics of the strategic group, and according to the characteristics of strategic variables named.
The fifth chapter: the technical efficiency evaluation, input-output index system of this chapter on the basis of the third chapter the definition of the commercial bank, the bank annual report obtained the panel data of input and output variables to evaluate the efficiency of China's commercial banks set, and then use the Deap software to evaluate the technical efficiency of China's banking business on behalf of 2006-2010 years (including pure technical efficiency and the scale and efficiency of the Malmquist index). The results show that the evaluation of technical efficiency and technical efficiency of China's banking industry, the average value of pure technical efficiency and scale efficiency were approximately 0.90,0.93,0.96, and the country has the efficiency of holding large commercial banks value higher than joint-stock commercial banks; Malmquist index analysis showed that the technical efficiency of 2006-2010 China's banking sector, pure technical efficiency, scale efficiency, technology change and total factor productivity are increased, large commercial banks The progress of production technology to promote the continued continued to improve the TFP of large commercial banks, but also to ensure that the main power of TFP in China's banking industry to improve. However, in addition to the production technology of the Malmquist index, the large state-owned commercial bank efficiency Malmquist index was not significantly higher than that in common joint-stock commercial banks.
The innovation of this chapter is to evaluate the technical efficiency of commercial banks input-output index selection, to better seize the core of commercial bank operation. Modern commercial bank is a diversified financial services investment and financing intermediary business of commercial banks, lending Xichu is the most primitive, not all commercial banks. The current international and domestic bank regulators have increased the regulation of capital adequacy requirements, strategic transformation is the inevitable choice of commercial banks, commercial banks will try to control the loan capital high traditional business, looking for a capital intensive road use.
The sixth chapter: to analyze the relationship between commercial bank strategy and bank efficiency demonstration. This chapter is the key part of the thesis. This chapter includes two parts: one is the static analysis of the relationship between commercial bank strategic groups and technical efficiency, through empirical analysis, test of technical efficiency and technical efficiency change trend of different the strategy of China's commercial banks whether there are significant differences; two, from the perspective of the dynamic change trend, whether the commercial bank strategic group conversion will affect the technical efficiency and total factor productivity, namely strategic group conversion effect on technical efficiency and total factor productivity Malmquist index is significant. The empirical study shows that commercial bank strategic types are significant factors that influence the technical efficiency of banks, the efficiency of distribution between different strategic groups significantly, at the same time, the commercial bank from a strategic group The transformation to another strategic group will reduce the technical efficiency and progress of commercial banks, which will hinder the improvement of commercial banks' production technology and ultimately affect the improvement of TFP.
This chapter also examined the impact of commercial bank asset quality and core capital adequacy ratio for commercial bank technical efficiency and its dynamic change. The study found that between the commercial bank asset quality and technical efficiency of current relationship is not significant, but the improvement of asset quality changes will affect commercial bank technical efficiency and scale efficiency, and ultimately affect the



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