本文关键词:金融发展、技术进步与产业升级的互动研究 出处:《东南大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 金融发展 Malmquist指数 产业升级 对外直接投资 向量自回归
[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up for more than 30 years, China's economy has developed rapidly, the industrial structure has been increasingly optimized, and the process of economic growth is also a process of industrial upgrading, and in the process of rapid economic development. As the core of modern economy, financial development is not only of great importance to economic growth, but also to a new stage. The relationship between finance and industry has always been an important topic in the field of economics. A large number of theoretical analysis and empirical studies show that there is a close relationship between financial development and industrial upgrading. Mainstream research results confirm that financial development can provide financial support for industrial upgrading on the one hand. On the other hand, it can affect the technological progress and then promote the upgrading of industrial structure. Industrial upgrading is the core driving force of our country's economic transformation at the present stage. To achieve this goal, it is urgent to solve the adjustment of industrial structure. The innovation and upgrading of industrial chain and the improvement of financial market to meet the requirements of a new industrial structure. At present, the financial industry in China is in a period of transition and development, especially the rise of Internet finance. In order to give full play to the role of financial development in promoting industrial upgrading, the mechanism and influencing factors of financial development to promote industrial upgrading are clarified. For China, which is in the stage of changing the mode of economic development, it has important theoretical and practical significance. The interactive relationship between financial development and industrial upgrading and the relationship between financial development and technological progress are combed and financial development is put forward. Technology progress and industrial upgrading are studied as a system. Firstly, the traditional VAR model is used to analyze the whole time series index of our country. Then, based on the data from 1990 to 2012 in 29 provinces and cities in China, the panel data model is used to analyze the financial development. The relationship between technological progress and industrial upgrading has been deeply explored. Because of the imbalance of economic development, there are also differences in the factors affecting industrial upgrading, so it is based on the analysis of the whole. The paper divides the whole country into three regions: the east, the middle and the west, in order to expound in detail the relationship between the financial development, the technological progress and the industrial upgrading in different regions. The research results show that: financial development. There is a long-term equilibrium relationship between technological progress and industrial upgrading; Financial development and technological progress have a one-way role in promoting industrial upgrading, and there is a positive two-way role between financial development and technological progress. The economic development of the east, west and west is different. The main influencing factors of industrial upgrading are also different. Based on the conclusions of the article, the following countermeasures and suggestions to promote industrial upgrading in China should be put forward. We should pay attention to the important role of financial system in the process of industrial technological progress. And to implement differential policy measures to the eastern, central and western regions, optimize the investment structure of FDI, promote technology spillover effect, in the financial development of the first is to strengthen the construction of commercial banking system in China. Second, perfect our country's venture capital system.
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