本文关键词: 海外直接投资 政治风险 双边投资协定 海外直接投资保险 出处:《华东政法大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:改革开放以来,中国的对外直接投资历经了从无到有、从小到大的艰难历程,到二零一零年中国企业世界上一百七十八个国家和地区进行了对外直接投资,对外投资覆盖率达到百分之七十二点七,对外直接投资的流量达到了688.1亿美元,而对外直接投资的累计净额(也称存量)达到3172.1亿美元。伴随着对外直接投资高速发展而来的,是中国企业“走出去”过程中遭遇的政治风险问题。自2008年新一轮的世界金融危机爆发以来,全球政治和经济变化多端,恐怖主义、地区性冲突、政权更迭时有发生,中国企业对外直接投资面临着自80年代以来前所未有的冲击。而另一方面,我们看到的是,中国对外直接投资法律体制的不健全、中外双边投资保护协定的落后与有失偏颇以及海外直接投资保险制度的缺失,本文在回顾和分析中国对外直接投资的发展历程和特点以及中国目前的海外直接投资的政治风险的应对机制,试图对中国完善海外直接投资中所遭遇的政治风险的应对机制的提出自己的建议。 全文共分为四大部分:本文第一部分,对中国2010年度对外直接投资概况进行了介绍,并回顾了中国对外直接投资的历史发展历程,进而分析了中国对外直接投资情况的特点;本文第二部分,着重介绍了对外直接投资中涉及的政治风险以及投资者对可能遭受的政治风险的态度;本文第三部分,,分析了中国现有的针对海外直接投资过程中可能涉及的政治风险的应对机制,包括现有的境外直接投资的法律体系、中外双边投资协定、多边投资担保机构和海外直接投资保险;本文第四部分,在总结前文的基础上,对中国进一步完善海外直接投资中可能遭遇的政治风险的应对机制提出自己的建议,包括制定一部统一的《海外直接投资法》并以此为纲领完善海外直接投资法律体系、构建中国的海外直接投资保险制度和完善中外双边投资协定。
[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up, China's foreign direct investment (FDI) has gone through a difficult process from scratch and from small to large. By 2010, Chinese enterprises had made foreign direct investment in 178 countries and regions in the world. The coverage rate of overseas investment reached 72.7 percent, and the flow of foreign direct investment reached 68.81 billion US dollars. The cumulative net foreign direct investment (also known as the stock) reached $317.21 billion, which was accompanied by the rapid development of foreign direct investment. Since 2008, a new round of world financial crisis, global politics and economy has changed, terrorism, regional conflicts. Regime change has occurred from time to time, Chinese enterprises foreign direct investment is facing unprecedented impact since 80s. On the other hand, we see that the legal system of China's foreign direct investment is not perfect. The backwardness and bias of bilateral investment protection agreements between China and foreign countries and the absence of overseas direct investment insurance system. This paper reviews and analyzes the development process and characteristics of China's foreign direct investment and the political risk response mechanism of China's current overseas direct investment. This paper tries to put forward some suggestions on how to improve the political risk in China's foreign direct investment. This paper is divided into four parts: the first part of this paper introduces the general situation of China's foreign direct investment in 2010, and reviews the historical development of China's foreign direct investment. Then it analyzes the characteristics of China's foreign direct investment. The second part of this paper mainly introduces the political risks involved in FDI and the attitude of investors to the possible political risks. The third part of this paper analyzes the existing political risks in the process of foreign direct investment in China, including the existing legal system of foreign direct investment, Sino-foreign bilateral investment agreements. Multilateral Investment guarantee Agency and overseas Direct Investment Insurance; In the 4th part of this paper, on the basis of summarizing the above, the author puts forward his own suggestions on how to further improve the political risk response mechanism that China may encounter in the process of overseas direct investment. It includes making a unified "overseas Direct Investment Law" and taking it as a program to perfect the legal system of overseas direct investment, to construct China's overseas direct investment insurance system and to perfect the bilateral investment agreement between China and foreign countries.
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