本文关键词: 公共住房 保障性住房 住房金融 金融体系 出处:《北京邮电大学》2012年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:住房问题古来有之,随着现代化的进程和城市化程度的加快,城镇居民的住房问题也日益突出,尤其是低收入群体的居住问题就更为严峻。国际上普遍的做法是对低收入人群提供保障性住房,满足他们基本的居住需求。国际上将政策性住房的统称公共住房,我国则将其称作保障性住房。公共住房并非新生事物,在一些国家,公共住房的发展史已逾百年;在一些经历了二战战争洗礼的国家,重振国家经济的一项重要任务就是大力发展公共住房,以缓解严重的住房短缺问题。在或漫长或短暂的发展历程中,各国的公共住房政策都在不断地调整以更好地发挥住房保障的作用,并且在今后相当长的时期内仍然会继续发挥作用。 在发展公共住房的初期,多数国家是通过政府财政来为公共住房的提供建设资金。至今,在一些福利国家,其住房保障方面的支出占GDP的比重仍然较高。政府财政对公共住房的支持固然重要,然而公共住房是一项长期的、艰巨的任务,对资金的需求量又极为巨大,因此找到一种能为公共住房建设提供长期的、稳定的、资金充足的且来源广泛的融资模式,必将对公共住房的良性发展产生重要的影响。在公共住房资金的来源和融资方式方面,各国的具体做法都不相同,研究他们的筹资方式定会对我国保障性住房的资金筹集模式产生有益的借鉴。 各国的公共住房的政策中包含有大量的金融政策,借助公共住房金融,保障人群才能享受到政府的优惠政策。在公共住房消费环节,公共住房金融发挥了重要的作用,一方而,借助于公共住房金融,政府的各项优惠金融政策方能得以贯彻与执行;另一方面,公共住房金融为住房消费者提供必要的住房金融服务,或则为他们提供贷款担保从而增加他们获得贷款的能力,提高他们的住房支付能力或房租承担能力。各国的公共住房金融体系也各不相同,既跟本国的住房政策有关,也又跟本国的金融业的发达程度有关。总结各国的公共住房金融体系的特点,必将对构建和完善我国的保障性住房金融体系的产生重要的启示。 本文选择公共住房发展情况较好的五个国家来作实证研究,它们分别采用不同的公共住房的发展模式,重点分析这五国所实行的公共住房建设资金的筹集模式和对公共住房消费者的信贷服务以及补贴政策,并从公共住房体系的视角来研究公共住房金融机制。还运用经济学的分析方法和三市场过滤模型,具体分析了不同金融政策在效用上的差别。 本文在研究五国的公共住房筹资模式和住房金融体系的基础上,分析了我国保障性住房发展过程中的不足与问题,运用经济学分析方法和博弈论的相关理论对其中的一些问题作了详细的分析和阐述。最后,结合我国国情,给出了我国保障性住房的筹资模式选择和保障性住房金融体系的构建方案。
[Abstract]:Housing problems have existed in ancient times. With the process of modernization and the acceleration of urbanization, the housing problem of urban residents has become increasingly prominent. In particular, the housing problem of low-income groups is even more serious. The international practice is to provide low-income groups with affordable housing to meet their basic living needs. The international community will call policy-oriented housing public housing. Public housing is not a new thing. In some countries, the history of public housing has been more than 100 years; in some countries that experienced the baptism of World War II war, One of the important tasks of revitalizing the national economy is to vigorously develop public housing in order to alleviate the serious housing shortage. National public housing policies are constantly adjusted to better play the role of housing security, and will continue to play a role for a long time to come. In the early days of the development of public housing, most countries financed the construction of public housing through government finances. The expenditure on housing security still accounts for a high proportion of GDP. Although the government's financial support for public housing is important, public housing is a long-term, arduous task, and the demand for funds is enormous. So find a financing model that can provide long-term, stable, well-funded, and a wide range of sources of financing for the construction of public housing. It will certainly have an important impact on the benign development of public housing. In terms of the sources of public housing funds and the financing methods, the specific practices of countries are different. The study of their financing methods will be beneficial to the financing model of affordable housing in China. The policies of public housing in various countries include a large number of financial policies. With the help of public housing finance, people can enjoy the preferential policies of the government. In the link of public housing consumption, public housing finance has played an important role. On the other hand, with the help of public housing finance, the government's preferential financial policies can only be implemented and implemented; on the other hand, public housing finance provides housing consumers with the necessary housing finance services. Or by providing them with loan guarantees to increase their ability to obtain loans, to improve their housing affordability or affordability. Public housing finance systems vary from country to country and are related to national housing policies, The conclusion of the characteristics of the public housing financial system in various countries will certainly give an important enlightenment to the construction and improvement of our country's affordable housing financial system. In this paper, five countries with better development of public housing are selected for empirical research, which respectively adopt different development models of public housing. Focusing on the financing model of public housing construction and the credit services and subsidy policies for the consumers of public housing implemented by these five countries, From the perspective of the public housing system, this paper studies the financial mechanism of public housing, and analyzes the difference in the utility of different financial policies by using the economic analysis method and the three-market filter model. Based on the study of the public housing financing model and housing finance system in the five countries, this paper analyzes the shortcomings and problems in the process of the development of affordable housing in China. Some of the problems are analyzed and explained in detail by using the economic analysis method and the relevant theory of game theory. Finally, combined with the national conditions of our country, The choice of financing mode and the construction of financial system of affordable housing in China are given.
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