本文选题:微型金融 切入点:微型金融机构 出处:《安徽农业大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Microfinance is a kind of financial business developed outside the traditional formal financial system. In a narrow sense, microfinance refers to the provision of microfinance services to vulnerable groups; in a broad sense, All operations and groups not covered or covered by the traditional formal financial system are within the scope of microfinance services. Microfinance institutions refer to all institutions that provide microfinance services. Only microfinance institutions. Achieving sustainable development, On the one hand, the development of microfinance institutions has made up for the shortcomings of large financial institutions, improved the financial system of our country, and is the need to establish an inclusive financial system in an all-round way; on the other hand, Since the main target clients of MFIs are small and micro enterprises and agribusinesses, microfinance institutions can alleviate the financing needs of small and micro enterprises and agribusiness, contribute to the development of small and micro enterprises and solve the "three rural" problems. Since 2004, the reform of rural credit cooperatives in Anhui Province has entered a period of rapid development, which is manifested in the rapid development of micro-financial institutions of banks and legal persons, and the rapid development of new rural financial institutions. Financial coverage continues to expand. However, most micro-financial institutions in Anhui Province are relatively small in size and low in profitability. How to achieve sustainable development in the future is a difficult problem for Anhui microfinancial institutions. Firstly, this paper introduces the current situation of the development of microfinance and microfinance institutions in Anhui Province. And listed in the form of tables about Anhui Province in recent years about the development of microfinance events, from a macro view of the policy and development direction of Anhui micro-financial institutions; secondly, This paper selects 14 rural commercial banks from Anhui Province as the representative to analyze the sustainable development ability of the micro-financial institutions in Anhui Province. At the same time, considering the adequacy of the sample, And in order to compare the differences of sustainable development between Anhui microfinance institutions and other micro-financial institutions in China, this paper also selects 13 agricultural firms from other regions of China as samples for comparative analysis. The sustainable development ability of financial institutions is analyzed by using descriptive statistical analysis and factor analysis. The results show that in the ranking of 27 rural commercial banks' sustainable development ability, Tongcheng Rural Commercial Bank of Anhui Province ranked 6th, Yangzi Rural Commercial Bank ranked 11th, and other agricultural and commercial banks ranked relatively low. This shows that the ability of Anhui micro-financial institutions to develop sustainably is low. Compared with other provinces and cities in China, there is a certain gap between the ability of sustainable development of micro-financial institutions. Finally, according to the results of empirical analysis, this paper puts forward some countermeasures and construction to improve the sustainable development of micro-financial institutions in Anhui Province. The first is to strengthen the top floor design, Activate the development potential of microfinance institutions; second, introduce a scientific management system to perfect the internal management of microfinance institutions; third, strengthen the innovation of microfinance products and enhance the external competitiveness of institutions; fourth, rationally plan the layout, Avoid blind growth and excessive competition.
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