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发布时间:2018-03-29 00:31

  本文选题:中小企业 切入点:信贷融资 出处:《河南大学》2012年硕士论文

【摘要】:改革开放三十多年来,我国国内生产总值每年以两位数的速度增长,一改我国贫穷落后的面貌,在国际上地位以及影响力有了大幅度的提高,中小企业的发展在其中扮演着重要的角色,在经济发展中具有大企业无法替代的特殊地位。目前我国正处在转轨的关键时期,大力发展中小企业是促进我国经济快速稳定增长、实现人民生活水平提高的最佳途径。 在我国劳动力相对丰富及资本相对稀缺的要素禀赋特征下,中小企业在发展过程中面临的困境和制约引起了我国政府的高度重视。其中融资难一直是阻碍中小企业发展的重大难题,由于我国市场机制发育不完善、市场体系发展不均衡、法律法规制度不健全等因素,中小企业融资难问题在我国显得尤为复杂。在中小企业融资的众多渠道中,信贷融资一直占有特别重要的地位,因此对我国中小企业信贷融资进行研究不论在理论上还是实际中都有很重要的意义。 本文从中小企业的界定出发,首先阐述了中小企业在我国经济发展中做出的突出贡献,总结了近些年来中小企业信贷融资的特点,并对中小企业银行信贷融资可获得性进行分析,由此引出了中小企业信贷融资政策执行力不足、信贷融资缺口大以及过度依赖抵押品的现状,其次从政策层面指出我国信贷融资制度的不合理安排,对中小企业的政策性金融制度供给不足、长期以来遗留下来的体制弊病制约了我国中小企业从银行获得贷款,从宏观融资制度上解释了中小企业信贷融资难的问题。接下来对比不同融资制度下发达国家对中小企业融资的政策支持及合理化引导,,总结经验,提出了大胆的设想:改组现存城乡信用社,建立专门服务于中小企业的政策性银行。最后有选择性的提出了优化我国中小企业信贷融资环境、缓解信贷融资难的合理化建议。
[Abstract]:Over the past 30 years of reform and opening up, China's gross domestic product has grown at a double-digit rate every year. As a result, the country's poverty and backwardness have been changed, and its international status and influence have been greatly improved. The development of small and medium-sized enterprises plays an important role in the development of the economy and has a special position that large enterprises cannot replace. At present, China is in the crucial period of transition, and vigorously developing small and medium-sized enterprises is to promote the rapid and stable growth of our economy. The best way to improve people's living standards. Under the characteristics of relative abundance of labor force and relative scarcity of capital in our country, The difficulties and constraints faced by small and medium-sized enterprises in the process of development have aroused great attention from the Chinese government. Among them, the difficulty of financing has always been a major problem hindering the development of small and medium-sized enterprises. Due to the imperfect development of market mechanism, the development of market system is not balanced in our country. Because of the imperfect laws and regulations, the financing difficulty of SMEs is very complicated in our country. Among the many channels of financing for SMEs, credit financing has always played a very important role. Therefore, it is of great significance to study the credit financing of small and medium enterprises in China both in theory and in practice. Starting from the definition of small and medium-sized enterprises, this paper first expounds the outstanding contributions made by small and medium-sized enterprises in the economic development of our country, and summarizes the characteristics of credit financing of small and medium-sized enterprises in recent years. It also analyzes the availability of bank credit financing for small and medium-sized enterprises, which leads to the lack of implementation of credit financing policies, the large gap in credit financing and the over-reliance on collateral. Secondly, it points out the unreasonable arrangement of the credit financing system of our country, the insufficient supply of the policy financial system to the small and medium-sized enterprises, and the institutional malady left over for a long time, which restricts the small and medium-sized enterprises in our country to obtain the loan from the bank. From the macro financing system, this paper explains the difficulty of SME credit financing. Then, by comparing the policy support and rational guidance of developed countries to SME financing under different financing systems, the paper summarizes the experience. This paper puts forward some bold ideas: reorganizing the existing urban and rural credit cooperatives and establishing policy banks that serve the small and medium-sized enterprises. Finally, the rational suggestions of optimizing the credit financing environment of the small and medium-sized enterprises in our country and alleviating the difficulty of the credit financing are put forward.


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